
Positive Personal Predictions

Positive Personal Predictions

This angel card reading shares positive personal predictions for us all. We only have to recognize how helpful they can be to benefit from them. Opportunities come in many forms both positive and negative. Each provides a lesson from which to learn and grow. It's easy...

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Expand Yourself

Expand Yourself

Find a way to expand yourself in any way you can. You will have more understanding of yourself and others with a broad perspective. The angels bring a message of hope this month, as well as encouragement for you to be all you can. I drew three cards from Doreen...

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Uplifting Message

Uplifting Message

This angel card reading comes from the Archangel Power Tarot deck by Doreen Virtue, PhD, and Radleigh Valentine. Three very positive cards were drawn. Each Archangel is happy to share his/her uplifting message with you now. Nine of Ariel (Minor Arcana) Your dreams are...

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Time To Move Forward

Time To Move Forward

There are many reasons to move forward at this time in your life. Old ways of living are changing and being left behind. New perspectives are slowly taking root for the betterment of each of us. This month, Archangel Michael, who is our protector, and Archangel...

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In-Person and Remote Healing

In-Person and Remote Healing

Although most people think of energy healing as an in-person modality, it is possible to send energy remotely to a person, place or thing that desires healing. This is called distant or remote healing. A number of modalities use this means of healing. They include...

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Embrace the Change

Embrace the Change

  Embrace the change. Although it is hard at times, do it anyway. The year 2022 continues to bring in energies of change. This year, in particular, will bring in energies to help you manifest your desires, if you are open and have clarity of purpose.  The...

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