Embrace the change. Although it is hard at times, do it anyway. The year 2022 continues to bring in energies of change. This year, in particular, will bring in energies to help you manifest your desires, if you are open and have clarity of purpose.  The Ascended Masters Horus, El Morya and Merlin bring guidance for this card reading. These cards come from The Ascended Masters Oracle Card set by Doreen Virtue, PhD. As a reminder, the “Ascended Masters are great spiritual teachers and healers, most of whom lived as humans on earth.” [p.1]

Card #1 – You Are Seeing This Situation Accurately: Horus

Doreen tells us, “Horus is the Egyptian falcon-headed sky and sun god whose parents were Osiris and Isis. He was conceived after his mother brought his father back from the dead, with the help of the sun god, Ra. One of Horus’s eyes was injured during a battle of revenge for his father’s death. This is why Horus is represented with one large and clear-seeing eye. You can call upon Horus for help with spiritual or physical sight, including insight into the truth of situations.” [p.95]

For many years now, we have been seeing shifts in our daily lives, as well as very broad local, state, national, and international ones. Beliefs and practices that were passed down generation to generation are being questioned. We are all being challenged to examine our beliefs on a physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual level.

Although change can be uncomfortable, it can also be exhilarating and can lead to a better life. Undoubtedly, if each of us looked deeply into ourselves, we would find areas we want to change. We may have tried in the past to make a shift, but have failed. So, instead of giving up, embrace that change. Use the energies of 2022 to help you manifest the better parts of yourself. The universe is showing us very clearly that change must come and, indeed, it will come whether we like it or not. It’s time to believe that message.

Card #2 – Clear and Shield Your Energy: El Morya

We are told, “El Morya lived as Ranbir Singh, a member of the royal family of Kashmir in the 1800’s. His political focus was on making humane and fair changes to the laws. … You can call upon El Morya to help keep your energy clear, high, and protected, as well as to assist in any legal or political situation.” [p.17]

So how can you clear and shield your energy? The best way is to examine your behaviors and beliefs. Decide what makes you a better, happier person. If you aren’t that person yet, find ways to shift your thinking. Remember 2022 is a year of manifestation. Thoughts and words will manifest quickly, so make sure they are positive. Strong energies will be present throughout the year for those who want to make changes in their life.

Once you embrace the change, the idea of change, you can move forward. We are in an evolutionary time. All of us are growing, some rapidly, and others barely at all. Know that regardless of where you are in your personal evolutionary process, you can always do better. Your vibration rises as you do better and you feel refreshed.

Some people make changes through their own initiatives. Others may need help from a spiritual teacher or healer. Either way, the more you change for the better, the clearer you will see your life and the easier it will be to maintain a high vibration.

Card #3 – Energy Healing: Merlin

Doreen says, “No one knows for certain whether Merlin actually lived as a mortal man or not. What is agreed upon is that Merlin is the quintessential magician and sage-wizard archetype [model].  … Merlin is a powerful ascended master who helps spiritual teachers and healers focus their energies in beneficial ways.” [p.27]

As the world population evolves, there is the beginning of an understanding of vibrational energy in the West. Although this concept has been a strong part of Eastern cultures, many of us are now opening to the fact that there is more to life than just what the senses reveal. This is all part of the evolutionary process in the West, and the shift people are feeling within themselves.

These days, energy healers and spiritual teachers are much more readily available to help those who are searching for answers. These are people who understand the process of spiritual development. They know how working with energy in one or many different modalities can help us grow. They have been working on themselves and understand it is a lifelong process. Their work is not ‘weird’, or ‘woo-woo’. Now we are coming to understand how science and spirituality are merging. As a result, energy work will become a natural part of healing and growth, available to everyone.

To sum up, it is becoming clear that each of us must embrace the change that is occurring in our personal lives as well as in the world. We can grow and evolve by making good choices. Lastly, we can take advantage of the wisdom of those who are spiritual teachers and healers to help ourselves evolve. The pandemic has caused us to slow the pace of our lives and given us an opportunity to go within. Use this opportunity for yourself and others. Adonai