I recently trained in Usui Holy Fire Reiki with the intention of expanding my knowledge of Reiki, as well as discovering more about myself. Usui Holy Fire Reiki is an energy of higher consciousness that has evolved from the continued expansion of Reiki energy. Specifically, Usui Reiki has been the foundation for a number of other types of Reiki. Karuna Reiki, Rainbow Reiki, and Shamballah Reiki are examples of this progression. Reiki has always been a wonderful IMG_1126means of helping an individual work with energy to bring balance back into their life. Since I have Usui Reiki training, I can only speak about that energy. Generally, Usui Reiki works to bring about relaxation and relieve stress. When we are open to energy work, Reiki enables us to look more clearly at the situations we butt heads against. It brings more clarity and helps us understand ourselves more deeply. By gently nudging us to examine our life experiences, past and present, Reiki acts as a benevolent guide. It helps us discover how to be in right relationship with others; how to prioritize what is truly important; and how to connect with a higher power. In doing so, we can then make changes that assist us in living more harmoniously. Realizing which actions are hindering our progress toward happiness and fulfillment gives us the opportunity to walk a different path.The more beneficial changes we make, the more joyful, peaceful, and loving we become.

Initially, I trained as an Usui Reiki Master Teacher. I have been a teacher throughout my life in one capacity or another and I wanted to continue teaching. I also believed in the healing powers of Reiki, which grow stronger with each level of Reiki attunements a student receives. Eventually, I decided to become a Karuna Reiki Master because this practice expanded my abilities to bring healing energy to others on a deeper level. And now I have become an Usui Holy Fire Reiki Master. “Holy” does not refer to a religious understanding. It means holistic, or all encompassing. William Lee Rand describes it as “…a spiritual energy that creates wholeness through purification, healing, empowerment, and guidance.” [“The Birth of Holy Fire Reiki”, Reiki News Magazine, Summer 2014] Holy Fire energy brings Reiki healing to a much higher vibration. It is subtle. It is gentle. It is calming. And it works to help change one’s perspective when looking for solutions to life’s difficulties. It helps bring our problems to the surface to acknowledge, examine, and let go. Very simple, but quite profound. Is Holy Fire Reiki a “magic wand” energy? Definitely not. Healing is an internal process, not external. Energy work assists us in healing, but each of us must do the necessary work to heal ourselves. Holy Fire Reiki offers to partner with us to bring us back into balance in a most loving way.

I look forward to experiencing this new nurturing energy for myself, and sharing it with you. I believe it is an energy that can bring more love, kindness, patience, peace, enthusiasm, trust, optimism and joy to the world. Namaste.