Archangel Michael has words of wisdom for us this month. His advice is to go within with meditation to find our answers. When we do that, we are communicating with God, Source, or whatever your term is for the Higher Power. That is what you can trust and believe. There is no more perfect guide to follow. Let us see what Michael has to offer us through the Archangel Michael oracle cards by Doreen Virtue, PhD.

Card 1: Use Your Imagination and You’ll See the Answer

Prayer: Dear God, thank you for granting me the wisdom and creativity to see your miracles in new and unexpected ways. I gratefully and gracefully accept and appreciate your help [whenever I need it].

Whenever you go within for positive purposes, you are tapping into your connection with God. So, when you are struggling with a problem, take time to go within with meditation. Ask for help to solve the situation. Be specific in your request. Then breathe deeply several times, sit quietly, and listen. Focus on your breathing, and notice the thoughts coming up. These thoughts may be new insights. Some may be helpful and some may not. Meditate as often as needed to discover your answer. In meditating, you will discover you have a more positive outlook in life, which in turn yields more positive results.

Card 2: Lean on God and the Angels for Support

Prayer: Dear God and angels, I give you [my problem] now and completely. I step out of the way, and allow Divine miracles to shine through everyone and everything involved.

As you can see from above, problems are resolved more positively when you go inside with meditation. This, of course, can take time. So, sit alone, connect with God and share your problem. In solitude, you have the opportunity to reflect. A dialogue with God and the angels is a way of sorting out thoughts that may or may not make sense to you. It gives you the opportunity to play things out in your mind until you find the best way to solve your problem. You will know the best solution by the positive, perhaps hopeful, way you feel. Then when you go into the world, you will be confident you have a firm idea of how to work it through.

Card 3: Honor and Trust Your Feelings

Prayer: Thank you, Archangel Michael, for supporting, guiding, and protecting me as I listen to and act upon my feelings. Help me understand and express my emotions with love.

As you go within with meditation, you will find it does become easier. Work primarily on your reflection of the positive thoughts that come to you The more you practice, the more you will see positive results. What you think, you attract. The best way to know which thoughts will benefit you the most is in how you feel about them. Any thought less than satisfying becomes negative in some way and should be discarded. Satisfaction, or better, is a great standard for evaluating your thought processes and your ideas. So, don’t settle for less. Your thoughts create your world, so make sure you are creating the best.

Archangel Michael has brought you these thoughts about going within with meditation as guidance for you. He is always working to help you find ways to live a healthy, happy, prosperous life.