When you choose to move forward in life, you focus on your goals, intend to walk a particular path, and do all you can to protect your vision. Archangel Michael is offering you advice and assistance in doing so. The Angel Card Reading for this month comes from Doreen Virtue’s Archangel Michael Oracle Card deck.

Doreen tells us, “Archangel Michael is a powerful non-denominational angel who provides protection and clear answers to your questions. He’s also unlimited, and therefore able to be with everyone simultaneously, having unique and individual experiences with every person. Like the other angels, he respects your free will, so he won’t intervene without your permission. But once you ask for his help, he’s there in every way.

“Archangels are the managers of our personal guardian angels. Each archangel has a specialty, and Michael’s is to provide protection- for that reason, he’s the patron saint of police officers. Michael also lends courage and strength, as well as offering us guidance through life changes.

“Additionally, Archangel Michael knows the details of your Divine life purpose, which every person has. This means that you have a mission, based upon your natural talents and interests, that’s helpful to others. If you’re confused about the purpose or higher meaning of your life, Archangel Michael can give you clarity and guidance.” [pp.1-2]

Keep Your Eyes on Your Targeted Intention as You Move Forward

Thank you, Archangel Michael, for helping me focus on my inner vision and intention. I ask for your guidance in releasing any fears or doubts, granting me the confidence and courage to take action toward realizing my dreams.

Doreen helps you move forward with this advice, “Archangel Michael has been guiding you along the path of your life’s purpose. Can you feel the rush of excitement whenever you think about you desired occupation and activities? This is a signal that you’re on the right path, and this card reminds you to keep a steady eye on your goals. Continually visualize that you already have the career or volunteer work of your dreams. See yourself helping people or issues that are dear to your heart. Imagine that you have complete financial security while you devote yourself to this important work.

“Any desire you have is viable, as long as you stay focused upon it. The path to making your intentions a reality may differ from your expectations, yet the outcome is likely to exceed your dreams. Know that the angels walk beside you throughout your journey. Keep the faith … and keep going!” [pp. 52-3]

Have Confidence To Move Forward

Archangel Michael, please lend me your courage and fortitude. Help me realize that I am one with all that is Divine: wisdom, strength, love, creativity, abundance, and health. Allow me to feel confident and peaceful about myself in all ways.

Doreen tells you, “This card serves as a talisman to raise your self-confidence. Archangel Michael has been trying to reassure you that you have the strength, power, and skills that are valuable to God’s plan of peace. Michael is protecting you while you shine your bright light. Listen to your intuition and act with aplomb.

“In relationships, your self-assurance attracts healthy people to your side. It also triggers respect in others. As you’re falling asleep each night, ask Archangel Michael to help raise your confidence. You’ll wake up feeling love and compassion for yourself and others.” [pp.44-5]

Shield Yourself In Order To Move Forward

Archangel Michael, I ask you to protect me, my loved ones, my vehicle, and my home with your powerful shield. Surround us in your purple light, which allows only pure love to penetrate. Please stay with me day and night, and keep my loved ones safe.

Doreen says, “This card indicate you’re especially sensitive to energies and emotions right now. Archangel Michael is shielding you from harsh energy, but it’s also important for you to take action steps to help with this endeavor. For example, avoid situations where anger and/or competition are expressed. And stay away from bars, pubs, or other places where chemicals are abused, which can attract lower energies. Follow your natural inclinations, such as keeping to yourself or spending time with soft-spoken, gentle people.” [pp. 76-7]


Archangel Michael is always working to help you, particularly when you ask for his assistance. He’ll help you set a goal, have the confidence to stay on the path you’ve set, and guide you in protecting what is important to you. So often we set wonderful goals for ourselves, but get side-tracked along the way. Archangel Michael will help you every step of your journey when you call on him. Have confidence in yourself through your confidence in him. Adonai.