Freedom As A Spiritual Quality

Freedom As A Spiritual Quality

Freedom is a spiritual quality. It is finding your spiritual self while on this earth in human form. Each of us has our own perception of freedom, and most anchor this idea in their everyday lives. In fact, the majority of people do not actively contemplate the...
Angel Energy

Angel Energy

Realms A realm is a place where a particular attribute is dominant.  Earth is in the third dimensional realm, which is primarily physical. It is reality to humans. Everything here is vibrating at frequencies that allow for a range of densities. That is, mostly...
Angel of Blessings

Angel of Blessings

This angel card reading is taken from the oracle deck, Angels of Light, written and illustrated by Ambika Wauters. The card I chose randomly was ‘Angel of Blessings’. I thought it was appropriate for this time. To address the chaos and turmoil we are...