by Anita Jones | Jul 8, 2020 | Angel Card Readings, Guidance
This month’s Angel Card Reading comes from the Angel Tarot cards by Doreen Virtue, PhD and Radleigh Valentine. Three cards were drawn from the top of the deck. Each card belonged to the Earth suit in this deck. They were the five, three, and ace. Earth cards...
by Anita Jones | May 11, 2020 | Angel Card Readings, Guidance
Integrity is the most important idea in this month’s angel card reading, which comes from the Angel Tarot deck by Doreen Virtue, PhD, and Radleigh Valentine. As we move forward during this time of Covid-19, it must be in the forefront. Integrity should be the...
by Tranquil Healing Reiki | Jan 9, 2020 | Angel Card Readings, Guidance
This card reading from the Ascended Masters is advice for the new year. “Ascended Masters are great spiritual teachers and healers, most of whom lived as humans upon the earth. They are powerful guides who can 1) help you understand your life’s purpose, 2)...
by Tranquil Healing Reiki | Dec 12, 2019 | Angel Card Readings, Guidance
The month of December can be joyful and exciting. It can be a time for expressing the love we have for others. It can also be very stressful with holiday preparations, and coping with increased darkness and cold. This month the Archangels offer their support to help...
by Tranquil Healing Reiki | Nov 7, 2019 | Angel Card Readings, Guidance, Transmission
Welcome to advice from the Angels of Light, a set of oracle cards by Ambika Wauters. They offer three messages of refinement. learning, and power this month. The first is to help with refinement of what is important in your life. Message two is about incorporating new...
by Tranquil Healing Reiki | Oct 7, 2019 | Angel Card Readings, Guidance, Transmission
Finding your way means making conscious choices. This month the Archangels present you with choices that can have significant impact in your life. The Archangels selected two life event cards and a message from Archangel Gabriel. They ask us 1) to turn to peace, 2)...