It’s All About You

It’s All About You

This angel card reading, entitled ‘It’s is all about you’, is about uncovering who you are. It’s about accepting responsibility for yourself, as well as appreciating and accepting that what you do matters. How? Paying attention by being present...
Self Care

Self Care

In this angel card reading, the Archangels remind you that self care is the most important means of maintaining a strong foundation and moving forward. That means learning life lessons, as well as information. It implies a willingness to speak your truth so you can...
Emotions and Action

Emotions and Action

The cards drawn this month for our angel card reading come from the Archangel Power Tarot deck by Doreen Virtue, PhD, and Radleigh Valentine. They involve emotions and action. Archangel Gabriel brings us the energy of action, while Archangel Raphael brings the energy...
Positive Personal Predictions

Positive Personal Predictions

This angel card reading shares positive personal predictions for us all. We only have to recognize how helpful they can be to benefit from them. Opportunities come in many forms both positive and negative. Each provides a lesson from which to learn and grow....
Expand Yourself

Expand Yourself

Find a way to expand yourself in any way you can. You will have more understanding of yourself and others with a broad perspective. The angels bring a message of hope this month, as well as encouragement for you to be all you can. I drew three cards from Doreen...