In my last essay, we took a look at how life often involves physical and mental journeys. In this one, we will look at other journeys, namely the emotional and spiritual paths we travel. Journeys can teach you important lessons. There is always something of value within each one.


Our emotions take us on many other journeys. Some of them are exciting, some are frightening, and some are mundane. Your emotional journeys traverse a wide range from the worst, to the best, and all that’s in between. Every emotion you experience is a journey. If you look at each emotion carefully, it has a lot to teach. In addition, each emotion may send you down a variety of paths. It all depends on the circumstances in which you find yourself.


Let’s say you tend to be a very positive, confident person. You look at the bright side of life. You’re pleasant to be around and are generally well liked. People with a similar disposition are attracted to you because it feels good and your energy is high, like theirs. Like attracts like. What can you learn from these emotions you exhibit? You see life as good and people as friendly and fun. Perhaps what you desire comes easily to you, so you find ways to grow and move forward because you trust in who you are.

On the other hand, you try to be a positive person, but lack confidence in yourself. This combination takes you down a different path. Life may be more difficult. Other people may pick up on your hesitancy and perhaps take advantage. They may make demands on you that are difficult to deliver, or that are not in your best interest. It may be a struggle for you to stay positive when you are trying to satisfy other people. What can you learn from this combination of emotions? Certainly, living your life to please others doesn’t usually work. You’re bound to become dissatisfied when they are dissatisfied with you. It doesn’t feel good.

In each of these scenarios, positivity is a big factor, but the key to the outcome lies in your view of yourself. The lesson is simple when you value who you are and what you wish to accomplish in life. If you haven’t examined this concept, perhaps it is time to do that. It can make a big difference.


The same is true when the reverse is examined. Maybe you are a fearful person who has difficulty speaking up for yourself. Or you are angry and take it out on other people. Some other lower emotions such as jealousy, frustration, or sadness can also impact your life and the relationships you have. Regardless of the emotion, when you are not feeling satisfied in your life, there is something out of balance that needs to be addressed. What’s the lesson here? Take responsibility for yourself. Even if you have no support from others in your family or circle of friends, know there is help for you. Keep looking for someone who can assist you to find that satisfaction in your life. Your life journeys will be very different if you refuse to take responsibility for yourself, or if you accept it.

You can tell which direction you’re headed by tuning into your emotions. The feel-good emotions lead you down a path you want to take. The lower emotions leave you unhappy and unfulfilled. Think about which direction you’d like to head toward and choose a path that takes you there. Just remember, making changes can be difficult, so take small steps toward your goals, and reinforce those steps with positive thoughts.


The last journey to consider is a spiritual one. A spiritual path is not necessarily religious, although it certainly can be. On this journey, you begin to understand there is more to life than the material world. There is something much bigger and more important. You begin to question why you are here and what your purpose is. In addition, you start to see that everyone is different, yet we all share a common bond. This bond is not only shared with humanity, but with all living things. What affects one, affects all, whether you understand that or not. Even if you have never considered this idea, it is true.

Everyone is different, so each person begins their spiritual journey in their own time. You may be young when you start, or you may be old. You may move into it smoothly, or been through many struggles before you realize this is your path. It doesn’t really matter. What does matter is you begin to see the bigger picture. This is called raising your consciousness.

As you move along this path, you realize the qualities of love, compassion, forgiveness, and joy are becoming very important in your life. In order to incorporate them, you must make room for them. This involves removing mental and emotional blocks that keep you from achieving a happier life. That takes a great deal of thought and also means making significant changes in your life. Mostly, those changes are made not only for your personal benefit, but for the whole as well. You begin to realize your true nature and purpose in this lifetime.


Life is a series of many journeys of change. They can be physical, mental, emotional and/or spiritual. Mostly, it’s a combination of any and all of them. Every change you make takes you down a different path. As you can see, even under the best circumstances and planning, there are many other journeys that are possible at any given time. That’s why it’s important to be flexible, as well as curious. Release your fears and explore what happens next in your life with an open heart and mind. Stick with it and you will be delighted and amazed at what your life looks like. Life is adventurous, so embrace it and see what happens! Adonai.