Angel of Blessings

Angel of Blessings

This angel card reading is taken from the oracle deck, Angels of Light, written and illustrated by Ambika Wauters. The card I chose randomly was ‘Angel of Blessings’. I thought it was appropriate for this time. To address the chaos and turmoil we are...

A New Path Begins

This is January 2021. A new path awaits. A new year begins full of meaning and adventure if you are open to changing what 2020 revealed. Changes came in all areas of life, from the workplace to our family life. We changed our habits from being carefree to being...


  Decisions come in all shapes and sizes. Some are easy to make. Usually we feel pretty confident they will bring the outcome we desire. Others are much more difficult. We may be uncertain of the outcome because all the facts are not available. We may not feel...

Trusting Your Instincts

Many people do not consider their instincts when making decisions. However, trusting your instincts is one of the best things you can do to lead a more productive and happy life. This month, the archangels give advice about trust in several forms. We hear from...