Take Back Your Power!

This month, the Archangels Raziel, Jeremiel, and Chamuel wish to broaden your understanding of happiness, productivity, and transitions. That is to say, they will guide you in this process. They will help you to tap in to your personal power, as well as embrace the...


The archangels wish to send you a message this month concerning happiness. This is a reading of the Ace of Raphael, Peace, and Leap of Faith cards from the Archangel Power Tarot deck (Doreen Virtue), It also includes the Angel of Happiness card from the Angels of...
Life Purpose

Life Purpose

You may wonder, at some point, what your life purpose is. Why are you living the life you are now experiencing? Are you on the right path and how can you tell? The angels would like to speak to this question this month. They ask you to consider the topics of justice,...
Commit to Love

Commit to Love

The Archangels wish to speak to us this month through the Tarot cards. They offer us advice and guidance regarding challenges we may be experiencing, what the material world can offer us, and the importance of our loving relationships. Ten of Michael The Ten of...