May You Think and See Clearly

You may gain clarity in life, hopefully with vision and creativity. The Archangel Power Tarot cards chosen this month speak specifically to the way you carry out your plans. The first card is from the Minor Arcana, King of Gabriel. This king is generous, inspirational, dramatic, and driven. He is a wonderful guide. The second and third cards are from the Major Arcana. Number 12, Perspective, is influenced by Archangel Chamuel. He helps people find whatever it is that they are seeking. Number 18, The Moon, is influenced by Archangel Haniel. She can help in understanding situations that are difficult to see clearly.

Minor Arcana: King of Gabriel

The message from Gabriel says, “Keep your eyes on the big picture; leave the details to others. Experience that leads to success. Genuine concern for others.” You may think you have everything under control. However, Gabriel is telling you to be careful not to be bogged down in small details. They may involve change over time, which can lead to doubt in yourself. Use your intuition with your experiences, whatever they may be. You will be more confident, and then, you may see more success in the plans you make. When you have a plan, call on others to help. Connections are strengthened when you reach out. They can also bring another perspective.

Major Arcana: #12: Perspective

Archangel Chamuel tells you, “There’s a better way! Pause for reflection and insight. Dare to be different!” You may feel more comfortable continuing the same patterns in your life, but, when you tune in to your intuition, life can be improved. So be bold. Walk your path with your greatest good in mind, and allow your individuality to lead you to success. As you make your life plans, tune in to your inner voice for guidance or call on Archangel Chamuel to work with you.

Major Arcana: #18: The Moon

Archangel Haniel brings you clarity. She suggests, “The opportunity to improve your plans. Listen to your intuition for accurate guidance. Face your fears and grow stronger!” Archangel Haniel is bringing emphasis to the message from Archangel Chamuel above. You may think it is a fluke that you are being guided by the archangels, but it is not. These angels have your best interest at heart. You can always rely on your intuition to make the right decisions because they come from your connection with the Creator. Do not be afraid. If it feels satisfactory, follow the path, regardless of how it looks. The clarity comes from a belief in what is right for you. Others can advise, but you are the only one who knows what’s best in your heart.

You May

You may sometimes feel unsure of yourself as you walk your path, but always know the Archangels are here to be of service. They will be most happy and willing to guide you along the way if you ask. When you are satisfied, you are following your intuition. This is invaluable. Adonai