We pride ourselves as being individuals who are self-sufficient and independent. So why do I say we are all in this together always? If we think about it, we are all living, breathing beings who thrive on love, joy, and peace. Whether we are conscious of this regularly or hardly at all, these qualities are what keep us going every day of each of our lives. Ultimately, we create our individual lives through the perspectives we take. When we experience joy or love, repetition and encouragement help to incorporate it into our lives.  When negativity takes over, this too may be incorporated into our lives over time if we are not careful. If we can find a means of changing the negative to positive, our outlook will improve. Each of us experiences these ups and downs and each of us is influenced by our own fluctuations, as well as those of others.


Presently, there is a strong feeling of separation in the world. We feel it with family and friends, big and small businesses, towns, regions, and countries, cultures and ethnic groups. We see division in many aspects of our lives, so much so that it has become toxic. However, instead of trying to make it on our own and increasing our isolation, we can change our perspective of what success is by encouraging the connection between and among us. When one rises, we all rise because we are all in this together whether you believe it or not.

This is true on the personal level, as well as culturally, in business, government, and between nations. If we pay attention, we can see how destructive it can be when anyone wields inappropriate power over others. It doesn’t feel or foster good in a multitude of ways, and it is unhealthy physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually.

Levels of Impact


How is this so? We are all in this together physically and directly. When agribusiness is allowed to modify our food supply, they are being permitted to poison our bodies with synthetic fertilizers and pesticides. Our food, and subsequently, our immune systems are affected, becoming weakened and depleted.

When we become sick, usually we consult a physician, who generally treats our ailments with pharmaceuticals, which are also synthetic. The overuse of these medicines causes harm to us over time. Rather than allowing our bodies to heal naturally, we often look to these medicines for the quick fix. However, this is a short-sighted response since many of these drugs become ineffective with repeated use, particularly antibiotics. When I say we are all in this together always, I’m speaking of our commitment to stay strong as a species. So, the best way to maintain a strong foundation is to eat healthily and take good care of our bodies..

Other Influences

Emotionally, we live in a stressful world, in our relationships, our jobs, our finances, and societal expectations. Stress increases the cortisol in our bodies, which in turn suppresses the immune system. When we don’t feel well physically and emotionally, it is easy to be discouraged and sometimes blame others taking our frustrations out on them. Consequently, our emotions send a vibration out into the world that affects everyone and everything. We may not have a clear understanding of the impact, but each of us is influenced by these energies. Lots of positive energies radiating into the world creates happiness and well-being. Preponderance of negative energies brings about chaos and distress. That is why we are all in this together always. It makes a difference what energies we send out into the world.


Mentally, we can be challenged or bored beyond reasonable expectation, particularly in employment. We worry and become anxious, which raises our stress levels. When we are stressed mentally, we sometimes make poor decisions which may affect not only ourselves, but many others. When mental stress is combined with emotional stress, the results are even greater. The energy vibrations go out into the world, affecting us all.


In a spiritual sense, we might question what our life is all about. Is the path we are on worth it? Will it be in our best interest? Is it a path of joy, love and peace, or stress, unhappiness, and hopelessness.

We’re all in this together always, so it’s time to make changes to better our lives individually and collectively. It is important to work in tandem with each other for our greatest good. When I allow myself to be dominated on any level by someone or something, I lose my inherent right to live my life as I see fit. This is not to say that all influence from outside is wrong and should be discounted. Rather, it is up to each of us to discern what is the best course of action for ourselves, and find the guidance from within to maintain our balance. In this way, the vibrations we send out into the world are beneficial to all.

Caring For Ourselves Together

How do we take care of ourselves together? 1) Demand whole foods and natural products for healing. 2) Reduce the stress in our lives by taking time out for ourselves to remain healthy emotionally and physically. 3) Work on forming positive relationships in all areas of our lives. 4) Work together in our employment to help our businesses grow for everyone’s benefit. 5) Raise our children with dignity and love to help them achieve at their highest level for their own good as well as the good of the whole. 6) Demand that our government work for all our benefit rather than only the few.


Let’s admit to ourselves that no one enjoys being unhappy. That unhappiness brings up all the denser, negative emotions that tend to cause bad things to happen to us as well as others. These emotions cause havoc with our relationships, our jobs, our politics, the economy and government, and our general well being. It is time for change.

But we’re all in this together always. Change is difficult and often uncomfortable. It makes us stretch our boundaries in ways we may not anticipate or desire. Sometimes it pushes us to new perspectives, as well as new relationships, and new purpose. So, it is time to ask whether we wish to continue along our present path, or whether we change course to ensure a more positive future. It is up to each of us to decide. If more of us choose to change the course, we can eventually bring the others along. There have been many predictions lately that enormous changes are coming this year with our earth, with our government, with our economy, and with relationships. Let’s choose a brighter future.