This month’s Angel Card Reading is from the Archangel Raphael Healing Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue, PhD. Doreen tells us, “Archangels are the managers of our personal guardian angels. Each archangel has a specialty, and Archangel Raphael’s is health. Raphael’s name means ‘he who heals’ or ‘God heals,’ and he helps everyone who calls upon him without exception. Raphael guides healers, would-be healers, and those who are ailing (both humans and animals).
Like all archangels, Raphael is non-denominational and unconditionally loving. If you wish to receive his help, he’ll always say yes. He respects your free will, however, so Raphael will only provide assistance if you ask for it. But once you call upon him, he’ll guide you in creative and sometimes unforeseen ways. For that reason, please don’t tell Raphael how to help you. Simply ask for your healing desire, and then give the archangel room to answer your prayer.
Many times, when we pray for healing or assistance with a healing career, Raphael will whisper guidance through intuitive feelings, recurring thoughts, dreams, signs, or visions. This Divine guidance is Raphael’s way of partnering with you. So if you feel a strong urge to investigate some new health procedure, for example, please follow through with this intuition.”
The question I asked as I shuffled the cards was, “What needs healing this month?” I was directed intuitively to choose the top four cards from the deck. They were:
1) Relationship;
2) Acceptance;
3) Jesus the Divine Healer; and
4) Caffeine-Free!
Archangel Raphael will send his guiding message through me.
1) Relationship: Dear Archangel Raphael, thank you for healing and guiding all of my relationships upon the path of love. No relationship is perfect, not even the best. Recognize this first. We have relationships with ourselves, family members, friends, coworkers, and pets. We even have a relationship with our money and material possessions. Examine these relationships honestly, looking for any resistance that makes you uneasy. This will help you decide which needs improvement. Ask, how can I make this relationship more loving, meaning resistance-free? Consider only your part of the relationship. That is your responsibility and all you have to control. So changing your perspective can make a big difference. Look upon the other with respect and love for who they are, even if you disagree with their views. We are all one, so honor the other as you would yourself. Call on Archangel Raphael to help you gain perspective.
2) Acceptance: Dear God and Archangel Raphael, please help me accept that everything is going in the right direction. There is a Divine plan for each of us. We are always connected to God. When happy and balanced, we feel that tie. Yet, every time we resist something or someone, it is a sign we are blocking this connection. We are side-stepping the Plan. We often have our own ideas about how life should unfold. Remember, our work on earth is to learn important lessons throughout life. When truly accepting a situation, even if it is not wanted, we re-establish our connection to God. Ask Archangel Raphael for assistance in seeing the good in any situation, and to help change it for the better in some way.
3) Jesus the Divine Healer: Dear Jesus, thank you for your Divine healing power and presence. Jesus was an embodiment of the Christ Consciousness, which includes the aspects of unconditional love, peace, joy, and forgiveness. Another word would be enlightenment. It has been important for mankind to have humans who have embodied the Christ Consciousness at various times in our history to be an example for us all. The Buddha, Moses, and Mohammed are other examples. In this time, Jesus represents the Christ Consciousness for us. This consciousness is the guiding principle for our lives. It is this idea that heals, gives strength, and leads us along our path to reunite with God. Ask Archangel Raphael to help you to keep the principles of the Christ Consciousness in your heart. If you are so inclined, speak directly to Jesus for guidance.
4) Caffeine-Free!: Dear Archangel Raphael, I ask that you cut my cords of attachment to caffeine so that I may honor my body’s natural energy rhythms without chemicals. Caffeine comes in many forms, but regardless of how it is consumed, it changes the natural rhythms of our body. We use it to satisfy a need. Perhaps we need more energy because we did not get enough sleep. Or we use it to be more alert, or satisfy a craving. Regardless of the reason, the purity of our body is being altered. This relationship with caffeine can be benign or addictive. If you recognize an addiction, ask Archangel Raphael to help you make changes to benefit your body, your mind, and your emotions.
Recognize that Archangel Raphael has chosen each topic this month to help you be more aware of the direction of your life. When you recognize situations that can be improved, you have the opportunity to bring yourself into more balance and harmony. Namaste.