The archangels wish to share some thoughts with you this month about how you are living your life. They suggest taking stock of your beliefs and your life in general, periodically. Reflection of your beliefs and ideas can help you weed out those that are outdated and do not serve you any more. The randomly chosen cards come from the deck of Archangel Oracle Cards, by Doreen Virtue, PhD. Archangel Jeremiel asks you to review your life; Archangel Gabriel encourages you to find your role as a leader; and Archangel Jophiel reminds you that patience will help you grow and expand.

Life Review

Archangel Jeremiel: Take inventory of your life, and resolve to change or heal anything that’s unbalanced

Jeremiel says, “It takes courage to look at your life. Yet, if done with compassion and a sense of humor, you’ll grow and learn from a life review. I’ll help you take stock of where you’ve been. We’ll look at what you’ve learned, and how these lessons are a valuable asset for today and tomorrow. We ‘ll also notice life patterns that aren’t serving your highest good, and we’ll take steps to release those patterns.” [p.45]

Working with Archangel Jeremiel: One of Jeremiel’s purposes is to help newly crossed-over souls review their lives. He also helps those who are still living to make life reviews. Take time soon to be alone, and ask Jeremiel to help you review where you’ve been, what you’ve learned, what patterns you’re ready to release, and what you’re grateful for in your life. [p.46]


Archangel Gabriel: It’s time for you to assume your leadership power and position, and lovingly guide others

Archangel Gabriel tells you, “Embrace your power in a loving way, and use it for the greatest good. I’ll guide your actions so they inspire and motivate others. I’ll also replace any self doubt about your qualifications with an increased desire to serve, help, and teach. When your focus is more on ‘How may I serve,’ then you won’t worry what others may think about you. Focus upon your strengths, the many lessons you’ve learned, and how good it feels to be a living example of following one’s Divine guidance.” [p.44]

Working with Archangel Gabriel: Gabriel’s name means ‘God is my strength,’ and this phrase describes you as well. Regardless of your background, you have God’s strength pouring through you at all times. Gabriel can help you fearlessly tap into this power. She’ll reassure you that it’s safe for you to be powerful, and protect you in all ways. Gabriel’s aura is copper, like her trumpet. When you wear the crystal stone citrine, or the precious metal copper, you readily connect with her energy. [p.44-45]


Archangel Jophiel:  Your dreams are blooming more rapidly than you realize. Still they need nurturing and patience.

Jophiel states: It takes time for a seedling to push through the ground and mature into a flower-bearing plant. Yet, each moment of a plant’s life cycle can bring joy to those who notice its beauty. In the same way, enjoy the process of realizing your dreams. Slow down and feel gratitude,  as each step brings your manifestation into tangible form. Notice the lessons and love that spring from every moment that you engage in acting upon your dreams. [p.51-52]

Working with Archangel Jophiel: Jophiel helps us experience more grace and peace in our lives through slowing down and noticing the beauty that already surrounds us. She asks us to savor and enjoy each moment, rather than hinging our happiness on some future goals. Call upon Jophiel anytime you feel rushed, stressed, or unhappy. She’ll increase your awareness and appreciation of life’s everyday miracles. [p.52]


Taking stock of your life can be very rewarding. It puts it in perspective: what you’ve done, what you’re doing and what you’d like to do. When taking stock, the opportunity presents itself to fine tune how your life is going. With an honest appraisal, you are able to see which life patterns are beneficial and which should be modified or released. This honing of your life story helps you uncover hidden talents and strengths of which, perhaps, you were unaware.  Recognizing the possibilities that are before you, and tapping into them helps you grow in ways you may have never considered. Leadership is understanding your strengths and using them for your own, and others’, greatest good. It takes awareness, trust in yourself, and patience to reach your goals. So don’t be afraid to take stock of your life. It can be exhilarating!  Adonai.