Archangel Raphael sends three important messages to you this month with regards to taking care of yourself. He encourages you to consider strongly eating organically. In addition, he wants you to know you have natural healing abilities which will help you in life. And finally, he urges you to meditate to learn about yourself and grow. The three cards chosen this month come from Doreen Virtue’s, Archangel Raphael Healing Oracle Cards.

Organic Foods

Dear Archangel Raphael, thank you for supporting my desire to consume and use organic products.

Doreen tells you, “[We are all becoming] very sensitive to chemicals.” Raphael’s message about taking care of yourself is why you have received this card. “Archangel Raphael is recommending that you consume organic foods to eliminate and reduce harmful pesticides from your body. Most likely, you’ve been getting feelings or thoughts in this direction already, and this card is additional validation that you’re hearing your Divine guidance accurately.”

“Although these all-natural products may cost more, they’re actually economical investments in your long-term health. Studies show that organic produce contains more vitamins and minerals. From a spiritual standpoint, organic produce is generally raised with loving energy on small and local farms. The increased energy that comes from eating a chemical-free diet is a valuable benefit that pays dividends in many ways.” [p.76-77]

Using Your Natural Healing Abilities

Dear Archangel Raphael, thank you for clearly guiding, encouraging and supporting my healing work.

Doreen tells us, “Since God is the ultimate healer and you are God’s creation, you have natural healing abilities that can benefit your health,(as well as the health of others.) This card is Archangel Raphael’s way of urging you to work with your own energy, spirit, and thoughts to effect healing. Your strong desire for renewal and restoration is a powerful remedy and treatment.

Raphael may guide you to take classes, read books, or conduct healing sessions. He’s also the angel who pushes healing-related books down from bookshelves, so if one happens to fall at your feet, this is a sign from him. It’s important to follow Raphael’s guidance and leads, as healing often occurs when human action partners with the Divine.” [pp.96-97]


Doreen reminds you, “The Latin word medicus, which means “to make whole” or “to cure,” is the root of both meditation and medication. So an alternative to medication may be meditation, and this card is a suggestion for the latter. Many studies correlate meditation with longevity and significant health benefits.

Meditation simply means focusing your mind consciously, either on a peaceful thought or positive intention. You can take a meditation class, watch an instructional video, follow along on a guided-meditation audio, or meditate in your own way. All forms are helpful and healthful. [pp.74-75]


There are many ways of taking care of yourself. Eating healthily, reducing stress, maintaining a positive outlook on life, and meditating are several ways to do that. Make sure you are preparing to live a long and healthy life by adopting some or all of these suggestions. Not only will you be thankful you did, but the world at large will thank you too, because your positive energies benefit everyone and everything. Adonai.