Archangel Michael wishes to offer guidance about spiritual protection this month. Michael is a protector of any being when called upon, but he works in particular with police officers. Generally, he kindly offers you guidance in understanding your life purpose when asked, And when going through life changes, he will help you with courage and strength to follow through.

Spiritual Protection- Forgive Yourself: You’ve Done Nothing Wrong

One way to receive spiritual protection is through forgiveness. Often, you think of forgiveness in terms of others, but Michael assures you that you must come first. When you forgive yourself, you release energies that hold you back. He urges you to let go of self blame for he knows you are doing your very best at all times. Release anger toward others, for this is fear in disguise. You believe it is a way of protecting yourself, a defense, but in fact, it keeps you in a loop of negative energy that weakens you. This negativity is a barrier to love, particularly God’s love. You are the most important person in your world. You are responsible for how you think and how you follow through with your thoughts. Negative thoughts are misdirected ideas on your spiritual path. They are simply a detour. Ask Archangel Michael to help you redirect your thinking. He understands you’ve done nothing wrong in the eyes of God, so forgive yourself, love yourself, and continue on your path.

Spiritual Protection- Honor and Trust Your Feelings

Another way to receive spiritual protection is to tune in to your feelings. Doing so is a means of understanding just where you are on your spiritual path. When you experience negative emotions, you are living in energies that hold you away from love. You are blocking the love of yourself, as well as others. When your emotions are high, you are experiencing energies that help honor who you are as a spiritual being in human form. Archangel Michael encourages you to be present to your feelings. Use them as a barometer for understanding where you are on your path. Ask him to guide you when your feelings are low. He wishes to support you in keeping your spirits higher, for he knows that is the best way to love yourself and others.

Spiritual Protection- New Beginnings and a Fresh Start

Archangel Michael offers another suggestion to receive spiritual protection. He has encouraged you to forgive yourself, and honor and trust your feelings. When you do, you clear the way for a new beginning in some part of your life. You give yourself a fresh start each and every time you forgive yourself and also tune in to your feelings. When you consciously do these things for yourself, the opportunity is presented to make some changes. Making changes that are satisfying to you allows you to walk your path with more love. Every moment you understand a change needs to occur is a moment you bring yourself closer to God. Archangel Michael will always guide you toward those times, and offer the means to achieve them. Simply trust that it is so and follow the intuitive thoughts that come your way.

As you follow these suggestions from Archangel Michael, you will find that you begin to raise your vibration to higher and higher frequencies. That translates into love of self, love of others, and love of God. Love is the ultimate spiritual protection. It is what is needed to live a happy, productive, loving life. You have choices in how to live life. Archangel Michael will help you choose the best path.