
Crystals are gifts from the earth. Within each are strong energies that can be of great use. Throughout the ages, humans have admired crystals in jewelry for their beauty and energetic properties. In this day and age, we are not always conscious of the energies they possess. We are more familiar with them in our technology, such as computers, ultrasound equipment, and communication devices, where crystals are used for mankind’s benefit.

However, crystals can also be used as powerful tools to help create positive changes in our lives on multiple levels, assisting physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. They are a means to connecting with our inner strength, our inner being, as well as with the outer world of nature, people, places, and things. What is important to remember is that crystal energy works powerfully and is at its best when a person accepts the possibilities offered. An open mind is always the difference between accepting change or rejecting it.

Why use crystals? In order for our bodies to benefit from the higher frequency healing rays currently coming into the planet, the etheric chakra centers must be activated. These are centers of energy that help us access a stronger connection to our Source, the Earth, and our ascending heart, which is how we can tap into unconditional love. These are called transpersonal chakras, and crystals help to activate them. When using Reiki and the crystal energy connected with the higher chakras, imbalances can be brought back into balance through powerful energetic transformations. This is called “strengthening your light,” which means the body’s vibrational energy becomes higher. As we increase the vibrations in the body, we begin to notice problems become easier to solve, or may even become fewer. Life falls into a better place. We begin to become more peaceful, content, loving, forgiving, joyous and compassionate.

An important part of the Reiki Crystal Healing process is a type of breathing, called Central Channel Breathing. This type of breathing moves the etheric (or life force) energy in the body from highest to lowest points and back again. In this manner, a person can help him or herself begin to clear interference in the energy system that might have been causing problems on some level. Another component of this healing process involves formulating “I AM” statements that help to counteract core negative mental or emotional beliefs which, oftentimes. are buried deep inside. These statements help to clear and repattern thoughts, so that a higher quality of being can be attracted into one’s life.

The process of using Reiki and crystals together is quite simple, although the results can be profound. To start, it is important to have an intention for the healing. Then various crystals and stones are laid around the body in a prescribed manner as Central Channel Breathing begins. Once the layout is complete, Reiki is sent to the person being treated. The practitioner uses his or her intuition as a guide to areas of the body which may need more concentrated Reiki energy. When enough Reiki has been transmitted, the stones and crystals are removed and the experience is then processed by the receiver and the practitioner. There are as many results from this process as there are people who use it. Every person is unique, and so their experience will reflect their needs.

What is the difference between Reiki and Reiki Crystal Healing? Reiki tends to help with healing on a broader, general basis. Reiki Crystal Healing works with Reiki and crystals to focus on particular areas of one’s life that need help. Each has its benefit, and both are wonderful ways to bring life back into balance.