This Angel Card reading comes from Doreen Virtue’s and Radleigh Valentine’s Archangel Power Tarot Card deck. Three cards were chosen to offer advice about life perspectives. One is about worry. Another is about finding a better way. And the third is about possibilities. Archangels Michael, Chamuel, and Raphael offer you the importance of perspective. Let’s take a look.
Nine of Michael (Minor Arcana)
Your worry is unnecessary! Focus your thoughts on the outcome you desire. Release feelings of regret, guilt, or worry to your angels.
Doreen and Radleigh tell us about the suit of Michael: “The spark of human intelligence has brought us many wondrous and amazing gifts. Our minds can also cause us to worry unnecessarily and fall into fear. [This] suit represents our ability to think our way clear of our challenges and to soar to new heights of brilliance. These cards signal issues regarding communication, speaking our truths, and freeing ourselves of our illusions of being trapped. Archangel Michael was chosen to represent this suit because of his role as a protector and guardian of all of the world’s people and as a champion of truth and justice. [p. 122]
Cards involving the number nine reflect extremes in optimism and pessimism. The optimism may express as something amazing, while the pessimism may cause any forward progress to come to a grinding halt. Either way, a reasonable perspective can be helpful as we walk our path.
Michael tells us, “Your worry is unnecessary! The worst-case scenarios you’re playing over and over in your mind are unlikely to become true. Free yourself from this form of self-punishment by turning to the power of positive thinking. Release all feelings of regret, guilt, or anxiety to your angels. Consider speaking to a trusted friend who can help you find an objective point of view. [p.139]
There are times we are unable to reach our objectives. It is at those points when changing or expanding our perspective can help us move forward. Although it is not always easy to make that change, usually it allows us to broaden our horizons and grow as a human.
Perspective (Major Arcana)
#12; Perspective; Archangel Chamuel. There’s a better way! Pause for reflection and insight. Dare to be different!
“Archangel Chamuel is known for helping people find whatever it is that they are seeking. His name means “the eyes of God,” and you can call upon him when you’re trying to understand a situation from a different perspective.” [p43]
“There is a better way! You’ve probably noticed that your past approach is no longer working for you. Archangel Chamuel asks that you pause what you’re doing and look at things from a different perspective. While this time of reflection is temporary, it is also extremely important for your spiritual evolution and growth.
This card can also indicate that your heart may be leading you to perform a selfless act of kindness for someone else. This form of compassion is always rewarded, and your angels will be standing by your side. Remember that you give the world your greatest gift by being your true, unique, eclectic self!” [pp.42-43]
Four of Raphael (Minor Arcana)
Seek out other possibilities. Look for the magic in life. Be aware of your own emotions.
Doreen and Radleigh tell us about the suit of Raphael: “Emotion can motivate us to accomplish many wondrous and exciting things. We reach out and touch the world with our hearts, and suddenly life becomes all the more worthwhile. The suit of Raphael is all about falling in love, getting married and having children. We cherish our families, whether we are born to them or choose them later in life.
Dreams, hopes, and deep desires are found in this suit. These cards also relate to the development and expression of psychic abilities and intuition. …Archangel Raphael represents this suit because of his history of heralding love and important relationships in people’s lives.” [p.94]
Four cards represent a solid foundation. Fours represent structure, order, balance, and discipline. That can be both positive or negative, so reflecting on one’s situation can help you move forward in the most beneficial way. It’s often reflection that leads to an important change in perspective,
The Archangels know that perspective is important for growth. When your perspective is limited, or negative, growth can be slow or non-existent. So they are encouraging you to examine your life and your outlook. A broader perspective can be freeing and bring more happiness to you. When your perspective is narrow and you feel you are stuck in some way, pause and take time to take a look at yourself. See if a different outlook might be more productive and satisfying. That change could be the best thing you do for yourself. Adonai.