During this month of December, filled with holidays and celebrations, the Angels would like to bring you words of comfort and hope. They want you to rest assured that they are always with you and eager to assist when you need them. Enjoy their uplifting messages and simple, but powerful advice. The Angels speaking to us this month are part of the “Messages from Your Angels” card deck by Doreen Virtue. They communicate with us through signs, coincidences and synchronicities so be watchful. I asked them what we needed to know for our greatest good during this month. As I shuffled the deck, at one point, I was advised to stop, turn over and spread five cards from the top of the deck.
The following is a reading of the five Angel cards:

“Your children on Earth and in Heaven are happy and well cared for by God and the angels. Your worries about your children have been received as prayers here in Heaven.” This is a very reassuring card for whomever has children, or who is also the child of another. One does not have to be small to be a child. So Opal is telling us that we are always looked after, whether we are aware of it or not. “As one of your children’s guardian angels, I watch over them ceaselessly. …as I gaze upon your children, I see their Divine light. I see their true perfection, their goodness, and innocence. I ask that you see your children through my eyes, which will help their love and light to be fully expressed.” Know the angels always watch over you and your children. However, they never intervene in your life without a specific request, except in emergency situations. Be assured, you can call on Opal or your own guardian angel for whatever you may need. Ask for their protection and guidance each morning as you start your day and look for signs that they hear you and are working to help. “I love you, I love your children, and your children love you!”

“You have a special bond with animals. Your pets on Earth and in Heaven are watched over by angels. All of the animals whom you have ever loved continue to be with you like guardian angels. Your love for them keeps these animals at your side forever. …You are able to communicate wordlessly with these wondrous creatures, and your special bond with the animal kingdom is opening new doors for you right now.” During this time of the year, our pets can sometimes be overlooked. We remember our family and friends, but might forget about the animals that have been, or still are, dear to us. Of course, not all of us have had pets, or even wanted them, but so many have. Those bonds that were formed can be very strong. Yvonne helps us remember that these special friends are being looked after on the divine plane, while alive and even after their passing. She reminds us that they too are God’s creatures, all dearly loved, and divinely blessed. So take heart that angels watch over all the realms.

“Now that you’ve asked the angels for help, be open to receiving Divine guidance and assistance. You deserve Heaven’s help! I’m so happy that you asked for help from God and the angels. Sometimes I watch you struggle with situations that could easily be resolved if you would let me help you. I wait for you to give me any signal- a prayer or a thought of Help! – so that I can become involved in the solution.” Watch for feelings, thoughts, or images that are messages from God, through the angels who are working with you. When you follow this Divine guidance, you can trust that the angels are working for your highest good. They love you and want the best for you. Let them work for, and with you, as you follow your path in life.

She gives very good advice. “I am leading you toward the answer to your prayers. Please listen to and follow the steps I am communicating through your intuition, thoughts, and dreams. The way that we angels answer your prayers is by giving you guidance that will lead you to take the steps toward your higher self’s will. Notice repetitious thoughts and feelings; or vivid visions, dreams, or auditory messages. These are my loving messages, urging you to take action or make changes. I will make sure that you are safe while you follow this Divine guidance.” It is in your best interest to acknowledge angel messages, however they are delivered. Recognize them as your intuition, your sixth sense, that you are tapping into. Your angels are always working to help you on the highest levels so you can achieve your ultimate goals of peace, happiness, love, and reunification with God. Tune in to their loving assistance.

“Victory! Your desire is coming to fruition. Keep up the good work! …You have chosen to follow your Divine guidance, and the Universe is flowing in natural rhythm with your decision. When you listen to the messages that your heart whispers, you swim in natural synchronicity with the tide of your life’s purpose. Stay relaxed and confident, and keep moving forward with happiness and grace.” Do not be discouraged when your plans don’t work out. It is only temporary and will soon be rectified. Make sure you are centered and moving in the right direction. If you find yourself veering from your chosen goal, sit quietly and meditate on the direction in which you are going. Listen to your heart, for that is where you will receive the truest guidance. Always choose your heart message over your head message, for that is where your Divine guidance resides. Remember, “[w]hatever happens is supposed to happen, and when it happens is the correct time.” The human timeline does not often match up with the Divine. Have patience and rest assured, you will ultimately receive your desired outcome.
And so the angels bring us gentle guidance for this month. Call upon them for assistance, follow the signs, and all will be well in due time. Thank you, Angels, for your words of wisdom.