This angel card reading is about informed decisions we sometimes must make. They can be challenging, particularly if we allow drama to enter our thinking. However, with time and patience, as well as confidence in ourselves, good choices are sure to come. This card reading comes from the deck, Archangel Power Tarot Cards, which was written by Doreen Virtue, PhD, and Radleigh Valentine. The meanings of the card numbers come from their Big Book of Angel Tarot.

Five of Gabriel

A challenge you can resolve. Withdraw from the drama of others. Have patience with yourself and those around you.

About Archangel Gabriel and the suit of Gabriel: “Archangel Gabriel is known to be a patron of creativity, as well as a helpful and supportive guide to accomplishing all our goals! Gabriel was chosen [for this suit] …because it represents the aspects of our lives where we take action. Creativity and passion combine in order to empower us to make our dreams come true. This suit also reflects artistic ability, careers, and the desire to develop and grow.” [p.65]

A five card brings up challenges that ultimately produce opportunities. This card is about making decisions and changes. and the resistance we often have to it. However, when we make those changes, through our informed decisions, that can lead to freedom.

Doreen and Radleigh remind you, “You have what it takes to solve [your] puzzle! You may not have all the pieces just yet, but working with others and finding compromise is the way to come to a peaceful resolution. Some of the interpersonal conflicts and challenges that you’re experiencing may very well be reflections of struggles you’re having within yourself. Stand back and take a look at the big picture. Listen carefully to other people’s viewpoints. When you draw this card, it’s a recommendation to withdraw from the drama of others if you can do so gracefully. Healthy competition can make you stronger and be very fulfilling. Keep your intentions positive and your ethics of the highest caliber.” [pp.74-75]

Three of Michael

Release the past. You will grow from [your personal] situation. Time heals all wounds.

About Archangel Michael and the suit of Michael: The spark of human intelligence has brought us many wondrous and amazing gifts. Our minds can also cause us to worry unnecessarily and fall into fear. The suit of Michael represents our ability to think our way clear of our challenges and to soar to new heights of brilliance. These cards signal issues regarding communication, speaking our truths, and freeing ourselves of our illusions of being trapped. Archangel Michael was chosen to represent this suit because of his role as a protector and guardian of all of the world’s people and as a champion of truth and justice. [p.122]

This three card represents creativity, growth, and self-expression. Three means male and female energies giving birth to a new project. Three cards indicate a strong need to create and grow into a stronger person. These qualities come from informed decisions we make.

Doreen and Radleigh state, “You will grow from this situation! When challenging events occur, it’s important to take time to heal. You do not have to do it alone. Ask your angels, guides, or human friends for assistance. Forgive everyone involved (including yourself) for actions or [decisions] you may see as having been unkind or in error. Time truly does heal all wounds. Ask your angels and guides to help you see the reason for this situation in your life. A new perspective could allow you to view things in a different light. Know that you’ll become a stronger person over time because of this challenge.” [pp.127-128]

Two of Gabriel

Make bold and ambitious choices! Great progress is possible. Important relationships with people who share you vision.

About Archangel Gabriel and the suit of Gabriel: This two card indicates friendship, romantic relationship, or any type of partnership between two or more people. This card also indicates the need to make an [informed] decision between two different options. The energy of this number asks us to seek balance, harmony, and cooperation, as well as multiple meanings at one time.

Doreen and Radleigh tell you, “You’re making great progress! If you’re experiencing a pause in the action, then it’s time to reassert yourself and get things moving again. Be bold and ambitious! You may have a choice to make. Don’t let indecision keep you from going forward. The right choice won’t come from your mind. …so follow your heart! Important relationships are possible right now. Partner with people who share your outlook and passion.” [p.68]

11- Strength: Archangel Ariel

Strength and grace through kindness. Self-confidence. Forgiveness

Archangel Ariel

About Archangel Ariel: Archangel Ariel is the angel know for protecting animals, the environment, and those who seek to safeguard our world. Her name means ‘lioness of God’ and she can inspire great courage in the hearts of those who call upon her. Archangel Ariel is also known to be an angel of manifesting the essentials of daily life. Call upon Ariel if you’re feeling uncertain or experiencing a lack of confidence, and she will help you get in touch with your own inner strength. [p.41]


The Strength card is about exercising the desires of our will in a way where no one is harmed. This card is named for the type of firm resolve where we go within and find that our baser instincts have been tamed.  Often for true kindness to come forth, we must find it within ourselves to forgive. We’re asked to let go of any judgment of ourselves or others, and view those around us with forgiveness and tolerance.

As you evolve, you discover the power of compassion and kindness.You come to realize that forcing your will upon others does not lead to happiness. You’ve developed inner strength and the knowledge that by moving along your path with courage tempered by gentleness, you experience more joy.

Doreen and Radleigh say, “You have great strength and compassion! The kindness and understanding that you give to others are a blessed gift. However, it is equally important to show gentleness toward yourself. You may see aspects within you that cause you worry or impatience. But every person is a child of God. It is by balancing all aspects of yourself with love and mercy that you learn to exhibit those same qualities to people around you. You are far stronger than you may believe. … Archangel Ariel can help you stay strong in the face of any challenge.” [pp.40-41]


The Archangels are offering advice on how to make informed decisions. These informed decisions have a component of information from a variety of sources or people. In addition, it is important to also trust yourself that you can achieve your goals. It is the inner strength you have that will help you make the right decisions. When you doubt your ability to make good decisions, tap into the energies of the Archangels to help guide you. When you call on them with your request, they will happily be of assistance. Adonai.