Healing is complex. It’s never a one and done situation. It involves several levels from physical, emotional, and/or mental, to spiritual parts of you. This angel card reading comes from the Archangel Raphael Healing Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue, PhD. Raphael tells you, firstly, it is important to understand you are a healer of yourself and others. Secondly, you must be willing to take a step back and redirect yourself. And thirdly, he asks you to be open to all the levels that need healing. When you realize and accept that healing means growing and moving forward in life, your willingness to put in the work will lead you down that path.

Archangel Raphael

Doreen tells you, “Archangels are the managers of our personal guardian angels. Each archangel has a specialty, and Archangel Raphael’s is health. Raphael’s name means “he who heals” or “God heals,” and he helps everyone who calls upon him without exception. Raphael guides healers, would-be healers, and those who are ailing (both humans and animals).

Like all archangels, Raphael is non-denominational and unconditionally loving. If you wish to receive his help, he’ll always say yes. He respects your free will, however, so Raphael will only provide assistance if you ask for it. But once you call upon him, he’ll guide you in creative and sometimes unforeseen ways. For that reason, please don’t tell Raphael how to help you. Simply ask for your healing desire, and then give the archangel room to answer your prayer.

Many times, when we pray for healing or assistance with a healing career, Raphael will whisper guidance through intuitive feelings, recurring thoughts, dreams, signs, or visions. This Divine guidance is Raphael’s way of partnering with you. So if you feel a strong urge to investigate some new health procedure, for example, please follow through with this intuition.” [pp1-2]

Use Your Natural Healing Abilities

Dear Archangel Raphael, thank you for clearly guiding, encouraging, and supporting my healing work.

Raphael tells you, “Since God is the ultimate healer and you are God’s creation, you have natural healing abilities that can benefit your health (as well as the health of others). This card is Archangel Raphael’s way of urging you to work with your own energy, spirit, and thoughts to effect healing. Your strong desire for renewal and restoration is a powerful remedy and treatment.

Raphael may guide you to take classes, read books, or conduct healing sessions. He’s also the angel who pushes healing-related books down from bookshelves, so if one happens to fall at your feet, this is a sign from him. It’s important to follow Raphael’s guidance and leads, as healing often occurs when human action partners with the Divine.” [pp.96-97]

Easy Does It

Dear Archangel Raphael, please help me detach, retreat, and let go so that healing can occur.

Archangel Raphael says, “This card is a reminder to stop, slow down, relax, and breathe. Archangel Raphael says that you’ve been pushing hard against the grain of life, with an exhausting effect. Therefore, he’s guiding you to take it easy, and give any worries or cares to him.

Sometimes situations resolve themselves when we walk away from them, so this card is also a message to retreat for a while. This may involve taking a trip to a relaxing locale, or it could mean detaching from a situation until movement occurs. The first thought that comes to your mind is guidance from above.” [pp.38-39]


Dear Archangel Raphael, thank you for staying by my side and motivating me to take excellent care of myself in all ways.

Archangel Raphael is guiding you to stretch your body in gentle, feel-good postures such as yoga or Pilates. These and other stretching methods are wonderful for stress management and relaxation, as well as for increasing your range of motion and liberness. Many people believe that yoga is the fountain of youth.

You received this card because Raphael wants to motivate you to stretch your muscles regularly and healthfully. He’ll guide you to the best forms of exercise and match you with an appropriate professional, such as a yoga instructor or physical therapist.” [pp.90-91]


Archangel Raphael has your best interest in mind. He is gently nudging you to care for yourself (and others) spiritually, mentally, emotionally, and physically through the messages in these cards. He is the healing Archangel, who is very powerful, so establish a habit of calling on him when some part of your life is unbalanced. Adonai.