The archangels wish to send you a message this month concerning happiness. This is a reading of the Ace of Raphael, Peace, and Leap of Faith cards from the Archangel Power Tarot deck (Doreen Virtue), It also includes the Angel of Happiness card from the Angels of Light deck. (Ambika Wauters)
The Ace of Raphael card states, “A positive, new emotional experience. Fulfilling romantic relationships. Deep and lasting spiritual insights.” Any or all of these aspects may be true for you. Raphael is the healer, and his color is green. He works with matters of the heart. The Ace indicates a new beginning, or the start of a cycle, project, or endeavor. So, this card indicates you may be starting or restarting a relationship which may bring satisfaction and happiness. Also, it may mean you are becoming more spiritually aware. When you tap in to your intuition, it guides you in a broader, deeper way. As you develop your intuitive abilities, you learn more and more about who you are and what your purpose is.
The Peace card (number 13) comes from the Major Arcana of the Tarot, It states, “Release the past. There is a more enriching future coming. Let go and let God.” In traditional Tarot, thirteen is the death card. In addition, the number thirteen indicates a time of change and transformation. This message is from Archangel Azrael, who comes to comfort and guide you toward a satisfying future. He will help you navigate newer, uncharted times. When you reflect on unwanted past behaviors which have held you back, it is an opportunity to begin again. So, call on Archangel Azrael in your meditations to help during these times of change. Ask for his assistance to weather any storm. Request his help to find peace, contentment, and happiness.
Leap of Faith
The Leap of Faith card (number 0) also comes from the Major Arcana of the Tarot. This message is from Archangel Metatron. He watches over those who seek growth in their earthly endeavors, as well as their spirituality. It states, “Believe in yourself! Listen to your heart. Do what gives you joy!”. The number zero represents God and eternity. It is about beginning, ending, and beginning again.Therefore, taking a leap of faith is about listening to your inner guidance, your gut feeling.. It is also about trusting in what you understand is best for you. In doing so, you are more able to find joy and satisfaction in life. Since the Peace card speaks of an enriching future on the horizon, a leap of faith will help you along. Trust that your inner guidance, which is your link to God, is the key to happiness.
Angel of Happiness
Affirmation: I choose happiness. From the commentary, “Happiness is a choice. We allow ourselves to be happy, in spite of circumstances. We claim it for ourselves, and we live as though everything we experience is designed for our happiness. We realize happiness is about how we look at life, not about what we have or do. We choose not to let anything affect our right to happiness; if we empower external things to affect it, we will suffer disappointment; if, however, we choose happiness, independent of anything external, we fill our hearts with joy and we delight in our lives. There is nothing we have to do or have to be happy; it comes from the depths of our soul.” (p.131)
In conclusion, fully anchor yourself in love. Have faith that new experiences will be rewarding. Grow spiritually in any way you can. Live in the love, faith, and spirit of the Universe. Adonai