Welcome to Our Reiki Blog!

Starting a blog is a huge stretch for me.  I generally tend to be a very quiet person, but I am passionate about Reiki. I am a Reiki Master and am committed to spreading the word about Reiki. My vision is to help people understand how Reiki can make a difference personally, in one’s community, and worldwide, and to share Reiki with the world.

What makes Reiki great in so many different ways? It is its simplicity. Reiki can be learned by anyone, anywhere, any time. It can help on the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual planes. It can be practiced on oneself or others. It can be used to heal people, animals, and situations on multiple levels. It can reduce stress, and promote relaxation, health, and wellbeing. What’s not to like?

But getting started is the hardest part! In this blog, I will write about different topics concerning Reiki and energy, such as the energy centers of our bodies, and the aura that surrounds us. I’ll write about experiencing Reiki, and how it can be used to benefit you on all levels of existence. I’ll write about the Reiki Principles, and much more. And I’ll attempt to answer any questions you may pose.

Many have heard about Reiki. Some are curious, some afraid, some disbelieving. My purpose is to help satisfy curiosity about Reiki, ally fears of the unknown, and perhaps persuade you that all that is rational is not all there is in the world. Then, starting to work with Reiki will not be the hardest part for you. I hope you will continue to join me!