There are a number of reasons to engage in energy work. At the very least, it can help reduce stress and offer relaxation, which are not small things. However, personal growth is probably the most important one. This includes improving relationships, contributing to more positivity among family, friends, and partners, and raising the vibration of the planet. Energy work comes in many different modalities, from yoga to meditation, Reiki to Healing Touch, acupuncture to reflexology, crystals to sound, just to name a few.

Energy Work for Personal Growth

In order to live a fulfilling life, it’s important to have goals and set priorities for yourself. Happiness is something most people seek. In addition, making a difference is high on the list, as well as engaging in positive human interactions. Since I am an energy healer, I’d like to discuss each of these topics in terms of how energy work can contribute to your life.

Engage in Energy Work


When you engage in energy work, you begin to set priorities for yourself beyond the material. In doing so, you begin to see how important you are as an individual, and the importance of your personal happiness in your relationships. So what makes you happy? Most people would say they want to be loved, respected, treated kindly, and accepted for who they are. These are all qualities every person deserves, but not everyone understands. Either they do not believe they themselves deserve to be treated well, or they do not believe others should be treated well. Either way, there is an imbalance of energy within the individual.

Energy work helps to bring you into balance. Balance is loving yourself and extending it out to others. That means you begin to understand yourself and your needs better. It helps you look at your degree of happiness. Are you receiving loving kindness and acceptance from others and are you granting them to yourself? You can work toward these goals using energy. Energy work raises the vibration of your whole being. Each time you engage in this work, you move toward more love, respect, and kindness for yourself and others.

Making a Difference

As you become more balanced, you also become more positive. Your growth becomes evident to you and it feels good. As you raise your vibration, it is broadcast to others, and out into the world. Your positivity makes a difference, even if you are not conscious this is happening. Energy work helps you change how you look at yourself, others and beyond. Consistently working with energy is a process that can change your life perspective. You begin to appreciate yourself for who you are and what you can do. The more you see the new you, the more you want to do to bring your talents into the world. When you take care of yourself, you are better equipped to do so.

Raising the Vibration of the Planet

When you engage in energy work, you raise your vibration, but you also raise that of the planet. Because everyone and everything is connected, how you live your life influences everything within and outside you. Thinking positive thoughts helps you and the earth. Thinking negative thoughts influences the world negatively. So the question is, do you want to be happy and feel good, or the opposite? Your thoughts create your reality either way.

This is not to say there will be no negativity if you only think positively. But the more people who lean toward the positive will have a strong influence on the whole. Right now you see a great deal of chaos, greed, and power for power’s sake in the world. There is a lot of suffering going on. That is because there is a serious imbalance of energy and lack of love for self and others. When energy work is accepted by many as a means of change, you will see a difference.

Energy for the Right Reasons

Engage in Energy Work

Energy work is a positive way to help with change. Every person deserves to be treated with respect and dignity. When each of us is willing to offer these qualities to every other person, energy work is a powerful means to help with this process of change. Energy work can help with achieving your potentials, but never at another’s expense. It works for the greatest good of the individual, as well as the greater good of all. If you are interested in improving yourself though understanding, love and respect, consider working with energy to achieve your goals. You will be happy you did. Adonai.