

Decisions come in all shapes and sizes. Some are easy to make. Usually we feel pretty confident they will bring the outcome we desire. Others are much more difficult. We may be uncertain of the outcome because all the facts are not available. We may not feel ready to move ahead. Or we may not have the confidence to go ahead with a big decision.

This angel card reading is from the Archangel Power Tarot deck by Doreen Virtue and Radleigh Valentine. Each card sheds light on decisions and decision-making. The first is from the Major Arcana (Important life events), while the second and third cards come from the Minor Arcana (Everyday events).

Card #1: 15- Decision (Major Arcana)

Message from Archangel Jophiel: Release yourself from that which holds you back! A need to detox. Unnecessary worry based on a lack of self-confidence.

So many decisions you make can be life-altering. Archangel Jophiel encourages you to “Release yourself from that which holds you back!” Perhaps your body needs to detox, so that you can pursue a healthier lifestyle. Or on a mental/emotional level you lack self-confidence, causing you to habitually worry that you don’t have what it takes to get what you want.

Jophiel says ‘stop’ and examine what you want your life to be. Take time to think about what would make you feel successful and how to attain it. If you are unhappy in any way, take a good look at what is causing that unhappiness. It is never about another person or situation. Ask yourself, ‘what is it about me that needs to change in order to become a happier person?’ Change may be unwanted, scary, or difficult, but when it makes a difference in your life for the better, it is well worth pursuing.

You often put off making important decisions because you are afraid they will be wrong. Regardless of what decision you make, easy or hard, there is no certainty of the outcome. There are a variety of possibilities which may unfold, some wanted and some not. But even when in failure, there is always choice. You can give up, or reexamine your outcomes and reroute your path toward something better. Archangel Jophiel wants you to know it is always better to move forward. She will be by your side if you call on her to help you see the positive in any situation. Every successful decision strengthens the confidence you have in yourself.

Card #2: Page of Raphael- Gentle, Loving, Dreamy, Openhearted (Minor Arcana)

Message from Archangel Raphael: A new emotional situation! Messages regarding relationships or social invitations. Great intuitive insights.

This card comes from Archangel Raphael. It is an extremely positive card, which involves your emotions. As you develop your decision-making abilities, it is important to tune in to your intuition. Intuition is your connection to God, or Source, so you should rely on it when you make decisions. As long as your decision feels right, regardless of the situation, it will be watched over by higher beings.

Trust your instincts, particularly in social situations and relationships. If your decision feels right, proceed. If there is even an inkling of doubt, think twice before going forth. You have always been an instinctual being. Use it as a guide to help you walk a path that is healthy and happy. Be gentle, loving, dreamy, and openhearted. Archangel Raphael will always be available to guide you.

Card #3: Ten of Gabriel (Minor Arcana)

Message from Archangel Gabriel: Ask your angels for helpful people to lighten your load. Working too many hours. Trying too hard to please others.

This card comes to you from Archangel Gabriel because she wishes to guide you in some life decisions. “It’s important to live a balanced life! Your determination and sheer will to accomplish the task before you is very admirable, but it’s taking a large toll on you. Ask for help from others. Delegate responsibility to those who can do a good job. Reduce stress for the sake of protecting your health. Release feelings of guilt, and remove unnecessary obligations from your schedule.Your current challenges may feel burdensome, but there is a great deal to learn from this situation. This is a time of growth that will make you stronger. Ask your angels and guides to place helpful people at your side.”

Make good decisions that will help you achieve the goal you wish to reach. That means giving up total control of your situation. Control the overall outcome, even when there are others working with you. Trust that you have made the right decisions in delegating responsibility for each part of the project. Spend as much time with it as makes you satisfied, but does not make you overwhelmed. Make sure to take time to regenerate yourself so you are refreshed and excited about your project. Make it your labor of love, but don’t make it the only important thing in your life.

This month, the archangels share guidance specifically about decisions. Big decisions can be milestones in our lives, particularly in the emotional and work parts of our lives. Take time to think your decisions through. Each is yours to own and no one else’s. Trust your intuition and go from there. When something makes you happy and does not harm another, you’re on the right track. Adonai.