When you think of cleansing, a shower or bath may come to mind. It’s a physical process to remove any type of residue from your skin, mouth, or internal organs. There are other types of cleansing, as well as the physical. Emotions, thoughts, and your spiritual beliefs can be areas for clearing too. There is an energetic component to keeping all parts of your body clean. So let’s tale a look.


Why cleanse your body? It’s a good thing to do to remove sweat, dirt, perhaps even pathogens of some type. It feels good and you tend to smell better too!. In addition, brushing your teeth and flossing keeps everything, including your gums, healthy. Dental hygiene is an important part of staying well. Bad breath and rotten teeth, as well as body odor are low energy vibrations that go hand in hand with low self-esteem and feeling like you’re not good enough. That is not to say your body must be pristine every second of your life, but taking care of your physical body is a reflection of how you view yourself.

Internal cleanses can be helpful for you as well. Drinking a lot of water in itself is beneficial. Eating the right foods to keep your body healthy is too. Reducing sugar, salt, and saturated fats, while eating enough fruits and vegetables, and small amounts of protein and carbohydrates is helpful for keeping your body in good shape. Fasting helps you process your food and drink more slowly so that your  body has a chance to rest. There are a variety of  processes for cleaning  out your pipes, so to speak. Make sure however you choose to cleanse your body is going to be helpful for you on many levels.


When your emotions are overwhelming and hard to deal with, your vibrational level, or your energy, diminishes. These emotions contribute to how you view yourself, as well as your physical health. Good mental health is important to living a full and happy life.

It’s not always easy to change how you feel, particularly when you’re feeling low. But it’s not impossible and a change can make a difference in how you live your life. Experiencing the highs and lows is part of everyone’s path. In fact, sometimes going through hard emotions can be beneficial to your growth  However, being stuck in the lows is unhealthy.

Cleansing your emotions can make a big difference. Some people go for walks to find serenity. Others may meditate, deeply breathe, or exercise to calm their emotions. Most people want to feel good. They want to enjoy life. When your emotions are bringing you down, know you don’t have to stay there. You have a choice to stay in a funk, or find some way to raise your vibration and feel better. The higher emotions such as happiness, joy, satisfaction, and love are levels of emotions that are good to strive for.

Always remember, you choose your emotions. No one makes you feel badly unless you let them. You control your life, whether you realize it or not. So when you feel something like frustration, take a good look at why and see if you can figure out how you can be less so, or how you can leave it behind. Most of the time, your ego is egging you on, but you don’t have to stay in that state. Accept what is and move on from there. Cleansing your emotions has a lot to do with accepting where you are, understanding the possibility of change, and looking for a better feeling.


Cleansing yourself mentally has everything to do with your thoughts. And your thoughts play a big role in your emotional and physical life. Just as you have a choice regarding the level of your emotions, so too do you have a choice in what you think. It’s very easy to say to yourself, you can’t change who you are, how you behave and/or what you think. But that is not true.

If you really want to grow to be a person who is happy and healthy on a number of levels, it is important to work on making changes. Realize, no one can do it for you. It’s your life and you get to decide how you’re going to live it. Your thoughts create your world, so if you think you’re beautiful, (whether you are or not) you will give off an aura of beauty. If you think you have no talents (whether you do or don’t), you will most likely fail to succeed. What you believe is how you live your life and what comes to you.

So monitor your thoughts continuously. Change them in ways that help you feel a little better. That is cleansing. Don’t try to make big leaps. A little bit at a time will make a difference. Try to engage in calming behaviors that help you get centered within yourself. Meditate, deep breathe, exercise, pray, recite mantras, do yoga, get energy work, go for a walk in nature.

Put in the effort to get to where you want to be. No one truly enjoys being angry, fearful or frustrated, but there are patterns in life that may be hard to break. Working on breaking those patterns can be very rewarding and is worth your while. Change your thoughts and you change your world.


Spiritual cleansing has a lot to do with understanding why you are on this planet and what your purpose is. For that, taking time to sort that personal information is important. Cleansing comes from paring away life patterns that are ego based, and destructive.The ego is important in the sense that it is there to protect you. But when it takes over to the detriment of yourself and/or others, it is harmful. Keeping your ego in check is a spiritual practice. Acceptance, patience, love, non-judgment, respect and forgiveness are all ways to clear your spiritual path.

You can be spiritual and religious. Or perhaps religion is not important to you, but you lead a purposeful life that incorporates the qualities already spoken of. Spiritual is a state of mind and a state of being. Putting aside much of our physical world experiences- all the material “stuff” and the drama that surrounds us is a good way to cleanse yourself spiritually


The more you cleanse yourself, the more complete and happy you will be. Cleansing is a process. it is not a one time thing. It develops and refines you the more you consciously decide it is important. It is also a lifetime process. As you cleanse yourself over time, you will realize more and more benefits from it. May you enjoy the life you create. Adonai.