Paradigm means model, template, prototype, or pattern. The old Earth paradigm contained the concepts of individualism, separateness, ego, judgment, dominance, materialism, greed, envy, jealousy, hatred, competition, and war. This model has been in existence for hundreds of years. Many believe it to be the “norm ” and expect it will always be so. Not true. The paradigm of human life on Earth is in the process of changing.

Many look to the past to find a simpler time. “If only….”  However, maintaining, and/or accelerating, destructive patterns, may bring the life we know to an abrupt end. Disregard for basic human needs and the health of the planet has accelerated this downward spiral. In truth, it is not possible go back. In the new Earth paradigm, strong, positive energies from throughout the universe are beginning to influence us. Now is the time to move beyond the negative patterns we have accepted for so long.  Moral and spiritual progression on this planet is essential for our ability to sustain ourselves.

What is to be done? There are many choices, all of which involve changing perspective. First, tune in to yourself. Notice when you are negatively challenged, then focus on change. Find a positive means of releasing the denser energies you are feeling. Regulate anger, frustration, hatred, fear, and jealousy by accepting that which cannot be changed and changing that which can. Be aware. Recognize, acknowledge and let go every time you feel these energies. Try deep breathing or exercise to release pent up emotions and stress. The point is, do something different and positive.

Second, be conscious of life in every moment. Release the emotions and stresses of the past, and prepare for, but don’t worry about, the future. This may initially be difficult, but it is doable. It takes intention to accomplish a goal and this is no exception. Intend to quiet your mind. Try meditating to bring stillness to your life.   Try being grateful for all you have, even if you don’t have everything you want. Intend to forgive those who have injured you. Put your ego aside,  not because you are right and the other is wrong, but because when forgiveness is extended sincerely, a load will be lifted from your shoulders. Love yourself. You are a pure creation of God’s love, living in human form. Intend the opportunity to feel that love. It will happen when you substitute the negatives in your life for some very simple, but profound positives. Love, peace, forgiveness, compassion, joy, appreciation, non-attachment, and acceptance, all lift our lives.

Third, being open to many possibilities can make life better. What you believe in will manifest. If your thoughts are negative, expect negativity in your life. Platitudes are not the same as belief. Stating a positive, when you do not trust it to be so, will only bring a lack of trust. What, or whom, do you trust? Trust in God, the Universe, the goodness and connectivity of all life, your higher self, and love. God made us in his image and likeness, which is perfection. In the true spiritual state, we are perfect. On this planet, we are a spirit in physical form. We are here to clear the imperfections, so we can be reunited with God.

This is where we are headed, slowly, but surely. In another century, life will be very different due to more people waking up to truth. Love is truth. Love will help to change this world. Do your part in the change. Open yourself to improving your life and that of our planet.  Expand who you are; grow in compassion and love; be the peace that is so vital at this time. Always embrace love.