by Anita Jones | Feb 27, 2025 | Angel Card Readings, energy, Guidance, manifestation, possibilities
This Angel Card reading comes from Doreen Virtue’s and Radleigh Valentine’s Archangel Power Tarot Card deck. Three cards were chosen to offer advice about life perspectives. One is about worry. Another is about finding a better way. And the third is about...
by Anita Jones | Jan 22, 2025 | Angel Card Readings, collective consciousness, energy, Guidance, manifestation, Meditation, possibilities, Vibrational healing
Archangel Raphael sends three important messages to you this month with regards to taking care of yourself. He encourages you to consider strongly eating organically. In addition, he wants you to know you have natural healing abilities which will help you in life. And...
by Anita Jones | Oct 22, 2024 | Angel Card Readings, energy, Guidance, manifestation, possibilities
This angel card reading is about informed decisions we sometimes must make. They can be challenging, particularly if we allow drama to enter our thinking. However, with time and patience, as well as confidence in ourselves, good choices are sure to come. This card...
by Anita Jones | Aug 13, 2024 | Angel Card Readings, energy, Guidance, manifestation, possibilities, Prayer
We all are faced with situations that can be difficult and perplexing. When that occurs for you, be open to help. In doing so, help can come in many forms. It may come from family, friends, research, shared information, and even from the higher realms. This angel card...
by Anita Jones | Jul 20, 2024 | Angel Card Readings, energy, Guidance, manifestation, possibilities, Prayer
Healing is complex. It’s never a one and done situation. It involves several levels from physical, emotional, and/or mental, to spiritual parts of you. This angel card reading comes from the Archangel Raphael Healing Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue, PhD. Raphael...
by Anita Jones | Jun 28, 2024 | About Reiki, Akashic Field Healing, Angel Card Readings, collective consciousness, energy, Guidance, manifestation, Meditation, possibilities, Vibrational healing
There are a number of reasons to engage in energy work. At the very least, it can help reduce stress and offer relaxation, which are not small things. However, personal growth is probably the most important one. This includes improving relationships,...