We all are faced with situations that can be difficult and perplexing. When that occurs for you, be open to help. In doing so, help can come in many forms. It may come from family, friends, research, shared information, and even from the higher realms. This angel card reading comes from the Archangel Michael Oracle Card deck, by Doreen Virtue, PhD. Archangel Michael is the protector, willing to help us in any situation as long as we request his help. When we are open to help, problems can be solved more easily. Being open to Divine help lightens our load. Three cards were chosen from this deck for the reading. The first is ‘Have Confidence’, the second is ‘Take Your Time Making This Decision’, and the third is ‘Ask Archangel Michael To Help You With This Decision’.

Have Confidence

Prayer: Archangel Michael, please lend me your courage and fortitude. Help me realize that I am one with all that is Divine wisdom, strength, love, creativity, abundance and health. Allow me to feel confident and peaceful about myself in all ways.

Possible Specific Meanings: First, have confidence in your plans and ideas. Second, tune into your intuition, as it’s right on target. Third, trust the person you’re inquiring about. Fourth, have faith that you’re on the right path. And fifth, know that your financial and other needs are being met now and in the future.

Doreen tells you, “This card serves as a talisman to raise your self-confidence. Archangel Michael has been trying to reassure you that you have the strength, power, and skills that are valuable to God’s plan of peace. Michael is protecting you while you shine your bright light. Listen to your intuition, and act with aplomb. In relationships, your self-assurance attracts healthy people to your side. It also triggers respect in others. As you’re falling asleep each night, ask Archangel Michael too help raise your confidence. You’ll wake up feeling love and compassion for yourself and others.” [pp. 44-45, guidebook]

Take Your Time Making [Your] Decision

Prayer: Archangel Michael, please help me stay strong and relaxed as I approach this situation. Remind me to detach and step back, allowing the situation to naturally unfold. Thank you for protecting me.

Possible Specific Meanings: Don’t sign the contract just yet- negotiate a better deal. Slow down the speed of a new relationship. Ask more questions before saying yes. Investigate your options and alternatives. Don’t be pressured by other people, as they’re only thinking of themselves.

Doreen says, “You’ve asked about a situation where there’s confusion or indecision, and this card is a sign that you shouldn’t rush into anything. More information will be revealed as time passes, which will naturally guide your actions. There’s no need to force anything right now. The opportunity won’t go away if you don’t jump on it immediately, and others will wait for you. It’s your decision, and your best course of action is to slow down and take your time.” [pp. 80-81, guidebook]

Ask Archangel Michael To Help You With [Your Particular] Situation

Prayer: Archangel Michael, thank you for assisting me with this situation. Please help me be filled with faith and peace at all times.

Possible Specific Meanings: Know that you’re powerful- you’re not a victim. Release any blame for yourself or others. Focus on solutions, not problems. Allow other people to help you. Keep an open mind to alternative solutions.

Doreen explains, “The situation that’s concerning you can improve with Archangel Michael’s help. This card serves as a reminder that it’s never too late to get the angels involved, and their assistance will improve everything immediately… including giving you inner peace, new ideas, and insights. Michael will help you in ingenious and unexpected ways, so be open to miracles that take on surprising forms.” [pp. 16-17, guidebook]


In conclusion, Archangel Michael reminds you that he is always here to help. However, it is important to know you must request the help you need from him. It may be general, or quite specific, and you must be open to help that might come your way. So, have confidence in asking Michael or anyone else, and take time in making your decision. The more you deliberate, the more information will come your way. Ultimately, when you trust your instinct, which is your intuition, plus consider all the information you’ve gathered, you are well on the road to a solution. Adonai.