Basics keep us grounded and centered so we function well in life. This essay will take a brief look at a number of ideas that are foundational to living a well-balanced existence.
Take Responsibility For Your Life
Taking responsibility for your life is one of the basics for keeping your power. It’s not always something we think about, but it is important. If we think about it, there are hundreds, or even thousands, of influences coming at us throughout our lives. They range from family and friend expectations to societal, religious, and cultural ones. There is nothing wrong with being influenced, as long as it does not overwhelm you, or cause you to adopt behaviors that are harmful to yourself or others.
Giving Up Your Power
How do you know if you are giving up your power? In personal relationships, you may feel like you are not heard, or your needs are not met. You may feel as if you are powerless, or not appreciated. Whatever is happening, there is an imbalance that causes you to be unhappy or discontent in some way.
What To Do?
If you feel powerless, begin to switch from accommodating others to taking care of your own needs first. This may appear selfish, but you have come to this earth plane to learn soul lessons. This means examining influences and influencers to determine how they help you learn these lessons.
For example, allowing another person to make all decisions for the adult you takes away your ability to care for yourself. If that causes resentment, you are recognizing that the situation is not healthy for you. However, until you make a change, you will continue to be unhappy. Change is not easy, but you deserve to have a happy and productive life.
Release Clutter In Your Head and Home
Clutter is anything that gets in the way or overwhelms. It is a block to the free flow of positive energy.
Release Clutter In Your Head
Do you overthink? All those thoughts are clutter. They can overwhelm and confuse you, causing stagnation and procrastination, as well as anxiety and unhappiness. To combat the clutter problem, some people write their thoughts on paper to empty their mind. Others prioritize which thoughts are important and release the others. I like to consider how important a thought actually is. I ask myself whether that thought will be important in an hour, a day, a week, a month, a year, or five years. That way I give myself a measure of what is most important, to that which is least important. It helps me lighten the load. Ultimately, finding a way to clear your mind clutter will help you live a more balanced life.
Release Clutter In Your Home
Clutter in your home also contributes to the blockage of energy there, causing stagnation. The clutter in your head influences the clutter in your home and vice versa. Piles of ‘stuff’ are clutter. Dust and dirt are forms of clutter. Overstocking of supplies is too. Holding on to clothes that might fit some day is another example. All lower the vibrational energy of your home and you.
When you declutter, the feeling of openness and freedom is palpable. Your space feels lighter. You feel a positive energy that wasn’t there before. The vibration of you and your home is higher, too. Don’t wait for spring cleaning. Take some time to remove the clutter from your home and feel the difference.
Make Time For Fun
All work and no play… is not a good recipe for balancing your life. You do have to work in some capacity to maintain your lifestyle. But devoting your life to only work puts a heavy weight on your shoulders and in your mind. To counteract the heaviness, fitting in some fun can make a difference in how you feel. It also helps to rejuvenate your mind and body, so you can increase the quality and productivity of your world.
Fun raises your vibration. It helps you feel freer, lighter, and happier. It helps you clear clutter from your mind, even if it’s just for a little while. When you deliberately bring fun into your life, you are actively taking responsibility to bring balance to yourself. When you are balanced, life is easier to live and more joyful to experience. So make time for fun. That is one of the basics that can get lost in the shuffle.
The basics of life are important. They help you balance yourself, as well as feel confident. Taking responsibility for yourself, clearing clutter from your mind and home, and having some fun are all part of a life worth living. Take stock of each basic in your life and make sure you are including them all. Adonai.