NASA defines solar flares as intense bursts of radiation coming from the release of magnetic energy associated with sunspots. They tell us flares are our solar system’s largest explosive events, seen as bright areas on the sun, lasting from minutes to hours.We experience effects from these solar flares when the earth is lined up in their path. This essay is a very brief gathering of information with different points of view. Ultimately, the reader must examine the information and draw his or her own conclusions.

Increased Effects

Over the past year or so, our earth has experienced an increase in solar flares. Because of this, there is more interest in the effects we may encounter. Many people, including scientists, believe the solar flares aimed at our earth, are stopped by the ionosphere, which is the outer ring of our atmosphere. They believe the primary effects are disruptions to power grids, cellphones, and GPS navigation systems, but there is little chance humans will be affected physically.

Other Viewpoints

Other people, including some scientists, believe humans can indeed be affected by these solar flares. People report a number of  physical effects, such as difficulty sleeping, nausea, body aches, dizziness, headaches, and heart palpitations,

Others report emotional effects which display as feelings of overwhelm, or grief, uneasiness, confusion, high stress levels and worry, or even the sense of not being able to cope. Consequently, some believe periods of solar flares actually amplify negative emotions.

Solar flares can affect the mental capacity of humans, too.  People report losing track of time, or having difficulty expressing themselves. Some say they experience confusion or a foggy brain.

There are people who even feel that these flares provide a spiritual benefit. They may be an impetus for powerful personal shifts, offering us the chance to step into ourselves and our inner knowing.

Of course, there are other explanations that may be offered for any of these symptoms. That is true regarding any of these topics that have been mentioned. Truth is what we think it is, and there are often multiple causes for whatever affects us.

And In The End…

All this information was gathered through Google. Some of it may have more validity than others. It is up to each of us to decide what rings true. Some info is factual and scientific. However, much of it may have no scientific backing, but also may have some truth. Not everything can be proven, but that does not mean it has no substance. A good deal of these effects are food for thought. You may have previously, or are currently experiencing some of them. Or perhaps this is all news to you. Regardless, thanks for reading. Adonai.