Mary, Queen of Angels, represents the Divine Feminine. She is known by many names: Mother Mary, Universal Mother, Virgin Mother, Our Lady of Lourdes, Our Lady of Fatima, Our Lady of Guadelupe, The Black Madona, and many more. She represents the Divine Feminine energies. That is to say, she embodies many qualities such as nurturing, healing, compassion and empathy, forgiveness, intuition, creativity, kindness, gentleness, love/heart centeredness, sensuality, communication, and collaboration.
Qualities of the Divine Feminine are in all of you, both female and male. As you live your lives on earth, it is important to develop both feminine and masculine aspects of yourself. In that way, you become a better balanced individual. This angel card reading will encompass the feminine attributes that can help each of you live a rewarding life. The cards come from Doreen Virtue’s deck, Mary, Queen of Angels.
Self Respect: I honor and love myself through my healthful actions.
Mary asks you to consider how you embody the Divine Feminine energies. Do you nurture yourself? Can you forgive yourself with compassion? When do you take time to heal yourself when you are hurting? Do you listen to your intuition, which will help you make good decisions? How kind are you? Are you a good communicator? Do you love yourself?
It is through developing an appreciation and love of yourself, that you will be able to bring that appreciation and love to others. You can tell how far you’ve come by examining your relationship with another person. That person is basically a reflection of you. All the qualities you see in him/her are also inside you. So examine carefully. Strengthen within yourself what you value in another. On the other hand, heal within you that which you find difficult, and perhaps abrasive, in that other person.
When you are healthy, you appreciate, honor, and love yourself. You also extend that appreciation, honor, and love to others through your actions toward them. If you have difficulty doing this, set your ego aside. True love is unconditional, respectful, and compassionate. It is time to offer these qualities to everyone.
Present Moment: I am fully present in the here-and-now.
When you are in the here-and-now, you are neither in the past, nor the future. Staying in the present keeps your feet on the ground and enables you to manage what is happening. It’s a small chunk of your life that can be handled. The fear that crops up from the past that is full of judgment and self doubt is not there. The here-and-now is but a moment. It’s good to take life moment by moment to manage it. The anxiety of the future is not there either, because your thoughts are in the present. There’s no time to be anxious.
The more you live in the present, the happier your life will be. You will be able to consider what is actually important for that particular time and place. It can be quick and easy, particularly when you tune into your intuition. Then you’ll know how to proceed. Staying out of the past and future is a gift to give yourself. You’ll be glad because you will then have time to consider what is truly important. That, in reality, is how you maintain your happiness, love for others, and ultimately, yourself.
Action: Today, I take action related to the priorities that I have previously put off.
Living in the present provides an opportunity to examine your life, and see what really matters. Have you put aside your own happiness to keep up with others? Is it important for you to win at all costs? Do you have to be better than everyone else, perhaps even perfect? Many people live with these expectations of themselves. When you stop to really consider what matters, these are usually not situations that come to mind if you are being truthful with yourself.
Most people just want to be happy, so if you’re not, take action to make changes in your life. Consider some of the feminine qualities that elevate your vibration and see how to incorporate them more. When you are present, ask yourself what qualities you are experiencing. If you’re feeling good, keep it up. Otherwise, consider how you can change your behavior to help you be happier.
Mary, Queen of Angels, always has your best interests at heart. She encourages you to not only take care of yourself physically, but also mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. Many Divine Feminine qualities can help you live a contented, even joyful, life. Obviously, these qualities are not the only ones that can make a difference. You can include the Divine Masculine energies to help balance you as well. Balance brings contentment, happiness, clear mindedness, compassion, respect, self love, and many more positive qualities. Take the time to bring yourself into balance. Adonai.