Is your life full of serendipity? Just what is “serendipity”?  Some call it coincidence or good luck. It involves an event occurring seemingly out of nowhere, which appears to be coincidental, but in the larger scheme of the universe, is not. Life seems to “work out” in ways you never expected.

Most often we think of some event as serendipitous when it is a good thing. It’s an unexpected bonus that just appears. It’s a beautiful day, but you have a great deal to accomplish, so much so that it weighs on your mind and your shoulders. Perhaps you are even resisting beginning. Then out of the blue, an old friend calls to have lunch on her way to a farther destination. You put your mound of work aside gladly to spend some quality time with her. When you get back, you feel so much lighter. You sit down and organize yourself, completing your tasks in much less time than you ever thought it would take! So goes serendipity.

If we desire more serendipity in our lives, we must trust in ourselves and our abilities, as well as the Universe (God, The Source, or whatever higher being in which we believe).  Some people find this quite simple, others struggle. Trust involves acceptance of ourselves, even with all our foibles. It also requires the acceptance of the premise that the Universe is always working in our behalf for our greatest good. We must do some work ourselves, though, for our “good” will not be served to us on a silver platter. We will always have our basic needs of love, safety, food, shelter, and clothing provided in some way, but our greatest good does not always include our wants, which often go far beyond the basics. The stronger our trust, the more will come our way. An event often seems like serendipity, but it is really each of us working in sync with God.

Is the serendipitous relationship only between ourselves and God? I think not. If everything is connected in the Universe, we are also helping others consciously or unconsciously when we move closer to God. We become part of the serendipity for them. It doesn’t happen by accident that people come to see me for Reiki treatments, or that you are reading this blog. There is always a reason for the events in our lives, both large and small. We need to be conscious of where our lives are going in the greater scheme of things. The more consciously we live our lives, the stronger our trust in ourselves and our world becomes. With trust comes the recognition of truth. The more truths we realize, the more we spread love. The more love grows, the closer we come to God.

Use Reiki to bring yourself into balance and trust. The more balanced you become, the more serendipity will turn up in your life. Wouldn’t it be great to say, I love my life?