You Are a Composition of Many Aspects.
Who you are is expressed on all levels of existence. Your inner being is your inner child and/or your intuition which is your connection to the Creator. The personality you express is a portrayal of who you are and what you want to achieve in the physical world. You are capable of a higher calling, believing in yourself and your integrity. The Archangels ask you to consider all aspects of your being here on earth. Make sure each is working for your own highest good, as well as those around you and Mother Earth. Be aware of the best in you. Do something about the areas that could be improved. The Archangels offer their guidance through this Archangel Tarot Card reading.
Embrace The Aspects of Your Inner Child.
Children come into this world as pure beings. Their openness and curiosity to all possibility is beautiful to behold. They are accepting and can be fearless. They touch the world with love and expect that in return. Children vibrate at a very high level and when you connect with them, so do you. Yes, it is true that those aspects can change as the child grows. There are many influences in the world that can be both positive and negative. If children had their way, they would live in a world of positive aspects. Your own inner child is looking for those aspects that have been buried within. Bring those qualities of the young child back into your life if you have lost them. Strengthen them, if you still feel them. Do not be childish in a selfish sense, but rather embrace the many ways that children brighten your existence. [Archangel Raphael]
Take Great Pride in Your Excellent Work.
Your work is an expression of who you are. Take pride in that which you do well. In excelling, a higher energy surrounds you and is within you. It encourages you to press on and reach for greater levels of achievement. We are not speaking of selfish pride, power or greed. Rather, we look for the pride that propels you forward for your greatest good, your family, and the world. Better yourself by increasing your education or training in the field of your choice. Take pride in working toward a more community oriented society. Know you can make a difference in the betterment of all. [Archangel Ariel]
Stand Up For What You Believe In.
Take action for what you believe in. It is wonderful to have high ideals, but it is best to put them into action. This means you are willing to stand firm in your beliefs, regardless of what others say or do. This can be difficult when going against the tide of popular opinion, family customs, or societal norms. However, being true to yourself is your highest calling. When you are, you act as a beacon of light that guides others. That is not power over others, but influence of the highest degree. It can lead others to believe in their own integrity too. [Archangel Gabriel]
Fight For Justice and Equality
When you stand up for justice and equality, the vibration of the entire world is raised. Presently, there is strong judgment and criticism of people, events, motives, media, and such in your world. It is time for acceptance of what is, not judgment. Judgment implies a rigid belief system. It is about comparisons, better than or less than, good or bad, haves and have nots. It is about what is unacceptable in a person’s belief system. And it is also about fear of not being good enough.
Know that all are loved and acceptable in the Creator’s eyes, regardless of their station in life, their accomplishments, or their ethnicity or race. Be aware that the Creator sees only the perfection in each. Understand it is from the point of acceptance that effective change can come about within oneself, as well as within others. Justice and equality are about acceptance. Do your part to make the world a better place. [Archangel Raguel]
Tap into all your positive aspects to keep your vibration strong. Each person has a responsibility of discovering how to walk their path for their greatest good. Be introspective. Learn about yourself and which of your aspects raise you up. Then go forth knowing you are serving yourself and others well. Adonai.