Did you know the flip side of resistance is acceptance? All our problems, aches, pains, heaviness, and such are due to resisting that which is. The phrase, “It is what it is”, gets used frequently these days, but many of us don’t listen to what we say! This statement holds a lot of truth. Life is what it is, but when we resist the flow, particularly the tough stuff, we cause ourselves various degrees of unhappiness.
What to do about it? Acceptance is key. It’s easy to accept good in our lives, but the hard things pose a different problem. Is “I can’t” part of your lexicon? We may not want to look at a situation for many reasons, but that causes us to be energetically stuck. This can lead to a spiritual, mental, emotional or physical impact. It is better to accept what is happening, take responsibility, and move forward to resolve that which is influencing our lives.
A simple example deals with road rage. Resistance scenario: someone cuts you off on the highway, you get very angry, and may try to get even. If you follow through with your anger, the situation may escalate into something tragic. You do harm to yourself on all energetic levels. However, if you accept the fact that you were cut off and could have been in an accident, your adrenaline might be rushing, but you will work to get under control, slow down a little, and stay away from that driver! Be aware, though, the second part of this type of situation is often harder for us. Once we accept what has happened, do we move on and put the incident aside, or do we continue to go over it in our minds? If we can’t let it go, that is another form of resistance. Part of staying healthy means reacting if necessary, then bringing the adrenaline levels down as quickly as possible.
On a purely physical level, resistance is harmful. Whether it is in the form of anger, sadness, depression, stubbornness, gluttony, or whatever else you may think of, your body reacts. One way is by producing cortisol which damages your cells. The enzyme levels in your body change. You may continue to produce adrenaline, which impacts your body. When you accept a problem, and work to resolve it, your body undergoes much fewer negative effects.
Resistance also shows up energetically on the emotional, mental and spiritual levels with pain of some sort. In accepting our resistance, we can begin to change. Then we can start overcoming our problems. This means recognizing and accepting a part of the problem, dealing with it, then moving forward, recognizing and accepting another part of the problem, dealing with it, then moving forward, recognizing and accepting still more, dealing with it, then moving forward,… Remember, all problems have layers like an onion. We see the top layer, but there are usually many layers beneath the surface. Keep working on yourself layer by layer.
Reiki is an energy that works with us, within us, and around us to help in all aspects of our lives. It helps us peel the onion. Reiki works toward breaking up the blocks and changing our perspective. Working with Reiki energy is transformational. Can you flip your resistance to acceptance?