This month’s angel card reading comes from the Ascended Masters deck of Doreen Virtue, Ph.D.  The Ascended Masters are enlightened beings who have walked the earth to help humans move toward a higher level of living and understanding. They lived a human life and experienced the human condition. However, in their sojourn on earth, they overcame the trials and tribulations that often keep humans in patterns that do not serve them. They are spiritual guides, who work tirelessly to assist us when we call on them. As I shuffled the deck, I asked the question, “What are the important ideas we need to consider in August?”.  I was guided to lay down the top three cards in the deck when I finished. All the cards were of a highly energetic nature. This is an indication from the Ascended Masters that working with energy is important and would be beneficial in all our lives. With discernment and trust, working with energy can make a difference.

The cards laid out were the following: from Epona: Crystals; from Babaji: Yoga; from Merlin: Energy Healing. Let’s look at each carefully.

1. Epona: Crystals- Doreen tells us, “Epona is the fairy-queen, who oversees and protects horses. Temples were built in her honor during Roman and Celtic eras where horses were essential to everyday life. Epona is also a protector of the environment and nature spirits. You can call upon Epona for help of any kind involving horses, or to help you commune with nature, fairies, crystals, or the environment.”

Crystals are a gift from nature. They are a living, growing part of our world, that can be of great benefit to us when we tune in to their amazing properties. Often, in olden times, people wore crystals as jewelry to ward of illness and offer protection. Their intention was influential in bringing about the desired result. The meanings of many crystals have been lost in this modern time, but the stones, themselves, are no less powerful or beneficial. Just carrying a stone can help a person focus on what he or she wants.

Doreen says further, “This card comes to you as a sign you’d benefit from working with crystals. Epona, the fairy queen, knows the value of connecting with the spirit of nature.You can find or purchase crystals at metaphysical bookstores, spas, and gem shows. Hold each crystal to know whether it feels right to you. Carry or wear the crystals throughout the day for healing, protection, and increased intuition. You can also add the crystals to your bathtub water, or place them on your bedroom nightstand or beneath your bed to connect on an even deeper level with these remarkable gems.”

2. Babaji: Yoga- Doreen says, “Babaji is a beloved yogi who is known as “the deathless avatar.” He learned to overcome all physical limitations. Many believe that he ascended with his physical body, which may account for the various sightings of a solid, living Babaji that people have reported. Babaji encouraged Paramahansa Yogananada to teach yoga to the Western world as a way of spreading enlightenment.”

Yoga is not only a benefit to our physical bodies in keeping us flexible and toned, but it also allows us to tune in to our inner being. We learn more about ourselves and who we really are, as well as tune in to what is happening in our lives. It is a wonderful means of finding peace and tranquility.

From Doreen, “Babaji and the other ascended masters guide you to do yoga regularly…  Through yoga, you’ll gain increased clarity, energy, flexibility, toning, and psychic awareness. You may also meet wonderful new friends and have fun at yoga classes. Yoga is an ancient tradition among spiritual practitioners because of these many esoteric and material benefits. Don’t delay. Do some yoga today.”

3. Merlin: Energy Healing- Doreen remarks, “No one knows for certain whether Merlin actually lived as a mortal man or not. What is agreed upon is that Merlin is the quintessential magician and sage-wizard archetype. He’s associated with King Arthur’s Camelot, Avalon, and Glastonbury. He’s also considered to be an aspect of Hermes Trismegistus, the teacher of esoteric wisdom. Merlin is a powerful ascended master who helps spiritual teachers and healers focus their energies in beneficial ways.”

Energy healing can be the key to helping us move forward in life. When recognizing life patterns that do not serve us, working with an energy healer can be beneficial. Energy work gives us the impetus to make changes that help us to be happier, kinder, and more productive. Energy work can help us change perspective to broaden our understanding of ourselves and the world around us. We can also rely upon our own abilities to use energy for our greatest good. Our intuition is a powerful means of guidance. Also, when we realize our thoughts create our reality, we have the power to make changes that send us in a positive direction.

Again, Doreen states, “You have healing abilities that you can direct through your hands, thoughts, and heart. Send loving energy to elevate and heal… You can clear the energy in a home, office, or vehicle as well. Your experiences with energy healing may be so powerful that you decide to conduct hearings as a profession.”

So during the month of August, and going forward, consider positive aspects of your life that include energy. If you haven’t considered them yet, by all means, think seriously about them. Not only will you benefit, but those around you will too.