IMG_1144This month’s angel card reading actually brings in the Ascended Masters, rather than the angels. Ascended Masters are humans who have walked the earth at one point or another, with the purpose of attaining a reconnection with the Godhead. They have used their spiritual practice not only for the betterment of themselves, but also for Earth’s people and Earth, herself. These holy beings, like the Buddha, Jesus Christ, Muhammed, Thoth, Enoch, Moses, Quan Yin, and many more, came from many ages of history, and a variety of societies. All have made themselves available to humans in many ways. And so, I shuffled the cards from the Ascended Master deck, and asked the question, “What is important to know and understand during this month of September, 2015?” I took the five cards from the top of the deck to do this reading.

The first card is entitled, Persistence, and it comes to us from the Celtic Sun God, Lugh (pronounced loo). Lugh is shining his light to help us see more clearly. This month, we will be feeling and experiencing very strong and new energies. We are reminded of different energies coming in to our planet just about every month because of the changes going on here (and throughout the Universe). Earth is undergoing transformation and so are all living beings. The energies can cause people to feel unsettled and off balance, perhaps even confused. So Lugh tells us to be persistent. Don’t give up when drastic changes come about. Learn as much as possible about them and go with the flow. It is not the end of the world, but it is the end of an age. The changes come from leaving the Age of Pisces and transitioning into the Age of Aquarius. Accept the shift, adjust to the transformations, stay positive, and persevere.

The IMG_1146second card is entitled, See The Other Person’s Point of View. This card comes from Avalokitesvara (pronounced ah-vol-oh-kee-tash-va-rah), who is the male energy form of Quan Yin, Goddess of Compassion. Now that the energies of Earth are shifting, it is important to take care of oneself, but also remember we are all one, and in this together. That means each of us is entitled to our own opinions and beliefs, but not at the expense of someone else’s. It is not always easy to see another’s point of view, but not impossible. It’s a matter of choice. Because we do not agree with that person should not imply he is wrong. He has a right to his view, as we do ours. Acceptance is one of the most important skills we can learn now, for when we accept, resistance subsides and we are more open to new ideas. In order to use and expand on the energies coming in, our personal barriers could use some modifying. In order for us to survive as a species, working together for the good of all, not in competition, but in cooperation would bring great benefit to Earth and all living beings.

IMG_1147The third card comes from Osiris, the brother and husband of Isis, the Egyptian goddess. Its title is Father, Husband, Brother, Son. This card comes to us to remind us that the Age of Pisces was very male dominated, and the masculine energies overtook the world to the detriment of so many. Wars broke out, power, greed, materialism, and selfishness became dominant and often was concentrated in a few to the detriment of the many. The Age of Aquarius brings in feminine energies, not to swing the pendulum the other way, but to assist in balancing the present energies of Earth. This means using male energies of intellect, strength and power for teaching right action, protecting those who are in need, and providing leadership for the common good with respect for all.


The foIMG_1155urth card is Trust and it comes from Vishnu, the Hindu god who works to preserve the world. As all the changes unfold in the world, trust is an important factor in helping us stay centered and focused. Those who trust that all will be well, even if all is different, will manage during this time. The world will survive, and we will too, as long as we accept the shifts in energies and perspective that are coming in waves. Trust in a higher power who will see you through, one way or another.


The last card is Write, sent to us from Thoth (pronounced tay-ho-tay or toth), who is the Egyptian god of writing and manifestation. It is always helpful to write our thoughts down because it helps us to clarify what IMG_1149we are thinking. The more clear we are, the more powerful our manifestations will become. During this shift in which we find ourselves, we will need to bring about a new way of thinking and living. Our writings can sort out what we know, think, need, and want for our future. It is a good habit to develop and utilize.


The Ascended Masters show their concern for us by offering their suggestions that will assist us in the upcoming days of change. We always have our free will to decide what is best for ourselves. We can ignore this advice, or take it to heart. It is all as it should be, regardless of our choice. I thank the Ascended Masters for their wisdom. Namaste.