This month, Archangel Michael speaks to us of trust. He assures us we can and should trust our inner guidance. This guidance helps us know when to detach from a situation that may be harmful. In addition, Michael wants us to know we can call on him for protection and guidance whenever we need it.

Your Inner Guidance is Real and Trustworthy

Your inner guidance, your gut feeling, is the direct link that connects your soul to God. On your spiritual journey, trust this inner guidance to show the way to a happier life on earth. When you are confused or uncertain, ask Archangel Michael to help you. He will assist you in connecting with your inner self so you will be able to make good decisions. When you have confidence and trust in yourself, fear of being wrong will be dispelled. Archangel Michael is always available when you need him. He encourages you to believe in yourself.

Detach From the Situation

Michael reminds you when caught up in drama and fear, your ability to make good choices for yourself decreases. Drama and fear are fed from a lack of trust in your ability to focus on what is best for you. Basing decision on the opinions of others, rather than your own inner guidance, robs you of your power. It simply means you don’t trust yourself to decide what is appropriate. Michael is saying others can be helpful in giving advice, but you are responsible in making the final decision based on what is right for you. This can be achieved by detaching from a situation that is confusing or harmful. Then go within to listen for guidance that is in your best interest.

Your Home is Protected by Angels

Your home is a physical structure, but also that place within that helps you take care of yourself. Michael and his army of blue lightning angels will always protect you when you ask. Simply call on him to watch over you, your home, your family, your finances, and whatever else you need to be protected. When you are feeling unsure of yourself, trust that Michael will be there to guide you, assisting your inner being to keep you safe and make good choices. Michael reminds you to trust that he will always work with your inner guidance, helping you to live the best life you can.


Trust Archangel Michael