I have talked with many people who insist they cannot meditate. They have busy minds that can’t be cleared of thoughts. Or they believe the mind should be a blank slate during meditation, so they can make a connection.

Different Types of Meditation

Although I am not an expert on all types of meditation, I do believe there is a form of meditation available for anyone who wants to engage. Guided meditations of all sorts can be very relaxing and help the mind leave its problems behind. Mindful meditation helps the mind focus on the senses and ground the body in the present. You can also download apps to your phone that will help with attention.

Why Meditation?

Meditation can be one of the best things you do for yourself because it helps to clear your mind temporarily of your problems. High levels of cortisol in your body come from stress in life. Meditation can reduce this, so the more relaxed you feel, the more satisfied you become. It introduces quiet in your life for a bit of time. Being mindfull can also ground you. You become aware of what’s going on around you, as well as what is happening physically with your body. When you are grounded, you are present. You have released the past, and are not concerned about the future, at least temporarily.

What Else Happens?

As you continue to make meditation a regular practice, you will begin to discover an understanding of your intuitive thoughts. Intuition is your connection to your inner self, who you really are on a higher plane of existence. Some say this is your connection to God. As you become more adept at meditating, you will find thoughts occurring. They may assist you in figuring out your problems, understanding your life path better, and feeling better physically.

An Example of How To Meditate

Your focus can be someone’s voice guiding you, a steady sound, or a mantra or thought to repeat. Your breath going in and out of your body is another possibility. Use this focus as best you can, but realize after a while your mind will likely wander. When you recognize this, simply acknowledge the thought that has appeared. Then allow it to fade away like a cloud drifting past in the sky, and return to your focus.

With mindful meditation, the focus is on the breath, but also about awareness of your body and your surroundings. So you may feel an itch, or a discomfort. A sound or scent may present itself. You may feel a need to shift. This awareness is you being in the present moment. You would simply acknowledge what you experience and return to the breath. The same would be true of a thought that appears. Acknowledge it, accept it, then allow it to drift away, so you may return to the breath. Sometimes, thoughts take over. When you realize this has happened, acknowledge, accept, let it go and return to the breath again.

No Right or Wrong

There is no right or wrong in meditation. It is always about recognizing stray thoughts, accepting them, allowing them to leave, and returning to your focus.There is no specific time frame for meditation either. You can meditate for ten minutes, half an hour, or an hour. All time is beneficial, provided it Is consistent over time.

Meditation can be life changing for you. It is worth exploring and establishing a practice. Adonai.