How often have I asked myself, “Why should I change?” or “How can I change?” I look at a situation that may not be right in my life, and there are times I want to tackle it and times I want to pass it by. I may feel stuck, be going through the motions, living the same script over and over. It might be difficult for me to actually distinguish what’s going on. And even though change may be desired, I’ve found it can be so hard. But change can be an opportunity for growth and when all is said and done, can be a true gift. Since I have discovered Reiki over the past five years, I have found it has been the gift that has helped me change most profoundly. And change has been the gift that has helped me live a more fulfilling life.

We are all striving to have a happy, fulfilled life. Problems weigh us down. “If only so and so could make me happy!” or “If only she didn’t make me so angry!” We have all said these phrases! But saying, “if only this or that…” puts the problem onto something or someone else. Ultimately, I must own the problem. It always comes down to me. Do I rely too much on “shoulds” and “oughts”, instilled since childhood by family and society? Am I being narrow-minded or judgmental? Do I strive to live up to someone else’s expectations? Am I being selfish, or am I giving too much of myself? Why are my relationships a) overbearing; b) unfulfilled; c) superficial; d) etc, etc, etc…? Before I discovered Reiki, self-examination was difficult. Now I use Reiki energy to help me understand the wheres and whys of my discontent. Change takes time, guidance, and a strong intention to do so. I must provide the time and intention; the Reiki energy helps guide me.

So what do I do? I ask myself where and why I am “stuck”. I use Reiki to help me understand where and why I am having difficulty with a person, am depressed or anxious, angry or sullen, under the weather, listless, or exceptionally tired. I use Reiki to help me work through this discovery process. Initially, I may not understand, but I do persevere. I know when symptoms continue for extended periods of time, it is crucial for me to uncover what is causing them in order to grow. Being stuck for too long is not fulfilling, nor beneficial on many different energetic levels. Reiki energy helps me find the path to take. The more Reiki energy I receive, the more life starts to feel better and to make sense.

Why Reiki? Reiki assists in lightening the load I carry by raising the energetic vibrations in my body. It helps to reduce the energy depleting stresses I feel. It helps me find an alternate perspective to my problem. It unblocks the energy that is “stuck” within me to get the life force energy flowing again. When my problem is solved, I feel better, lighter, happier, more in tune with my highest purpose. In so many ways, positive Reiki energy has helped me change myself. I am calm, peaceful, happy, energetic, empathetic, compassionate, and I love my life. It is the Light in my life. I know I can care for myself; I know I can help others; I know that the path I have chosen is mine alone. Would you like Reiki to be a gift and an opportunity for change?