Emotions have degrees of separation. That is how they are understood, perceived, and distinguished. The degrees discussed here are vibrational frequencies. Emotions are the reflection of levels of vibrational frequencies, such as anger or happiness, depression or joy, or boredom or enthusiasm.

Everything vibrates at a particular frequency. Some objects maintain the same frequency throughout their lifetime. For example, different crystals vibrate at their own particular frequency. Living organisms will vibrate according to their state of life. If they are healthy, their frequency will be high. If not, the opposite is true. Humans fluctuate depending on their emotions. This essay will be using the Abraham-Hicks Emotional Guidance Scale to distinguish degrees of emotions. This list is sometimes referred to as an emotional ladder. It can be used to evaluate where you are and how you can improve your life.

degrees of separation

Abraham-Hicks Emotional Guidance Scale

The following is the entire Abraham-Hicks Emotional Guidance Scale:

1) Joy/appreciation/empowerment/freedom/love; 2) Passion; 3) Enthusiasm/eagerness/happiness; 4) Positive expectation/belief; 5) Optimism; 6) Hopefulness; 7) Contentment; 8) Boredom; 9) Pessimism; 10) Frustration/irritation/impatience; 11) Overwhelment (feeling overwhelmed); 12) Disappointment; 13) Doubt; 14) Worry; 15) Blame; 16) Discouragement; 17) Anger; 18) Revenge; 19) Hatred/rage; 20) Jealousy; 21) Insecurity/guilt/unworthiness; 22) Fear/grief/desperation/despair/powerlessness.

Low Vibrations

Lower vibrations produce lower emotions. A low vibration is slow and heavy. As it increases, it becomes faster and lighter. Within this category, there are degrees of separation. They range from fear, grief, despair, and powerlessness at the lowest vibration, to boredom. The commonality within these emotions is discomfort. At the lower end of this scale, the discomfort is strong. It can manifest physically as sickness or disease. This level of emotion can be paralyzing mentally and emotionally. However, knowing it is possible to achieve a somewhat higher emotional state can be helpful.

For example, it feels better to be insecure than powerless. Rage, which implies action, is a higher vibration than fear. Anger is higher than rage because it involves some thought, rather than pure reaction. Moving from one level to a higher one is empowering. So, to feel better, it is important to move up the ladder, one or two rungs at a time. 

Increased Lightness

As a person moves up the emotional scale, the intensity of the discomfort eases. It does not disappear completely until the higher vibrations are reached. However, each emotion, as you move up the ladder, feels somewhat lighter than the one before. In addition, it becomes easier to continue to move up the ladder. So frustration feels somewhat better than disappointment or feeling overwhelmed because there is more chance of moving forward. It is important to understand these steps are incremental. You cannot move from discouragement to joy in one step. However, small improvements in thought can make a huge difference in your outlook.

When contentment or satisfaction is reached, you find yourself in balance. This is a result of the work you’ve done. Life is good, not a struggle. This vibrational frequency is the midpoint between the depths of emotion and its heights.

High Vibrations

Moving up the emotional ladder feels good, particularly at the higher end. Once you reach contentment, you feel more in the flow.  Reaching this part of the emotional ladder is a worthy goal if you are actively seeking a happy life. Similar to the lower emotions, there are degrees of separation where each step up the ladder feels increasingly better. As a result, more and more possibilities present themselves. The better it gets, the better it gets, as they say.


What we think and feel is what we attract. For instance, when you feel discouraged in general, there are probably people around who will commiserate with you. They are vibrating at a similar frequency, the frequency of ‘Ain’t it awful’. In a similar vein, when you are consistently happy, you will attract people who reflect your state of mind.

Furthermore, you always have the opportunity to change your life for the better. It’s a matter of choice. If you find yourself feeling any lower emotion, it’s possible to change and raise your vibration through your thoughts. Thoughts create your reality, so be deliberate in what you think. If you want to be happy, keep your thoughts positive, even if you must reset your thoughts frequently.

It takes a strong will and lots of practice to move up the ladder. Sometimes, it may seem impossible to climb any higher. However, there is always hope. What to do? 1) Put your trust in God. 2) Ask for assistance. 3) Follow your gut instincts and always believe you have the fortitude to better your life. 4) When you don’t believe in yourself, believe in the Higher Power over and over again. 5) Try to love yourself every day. The results can be amazing.

To sum up, there are degrees of separation between the higher and lower emotions, as well as within each group. Determining where your emotions are on the ladder can help you find ways to raise your vibration to feel better. This is a life-long process, not a one and done endeavor. It is you walking your path on this earth to be the best you can be. Adonai.